Here in Massachusetts we’re just a week away from our primary elections on September 16th. That means we can stop fighting with Republicans and start fighting among ourselves! How refreshing!
Our esteemed editors have listed a lot of great races along the left side of the page. Scroll through them. Pick a candidate you want to help. Get out and do something. You have a week left to make a difference.
Maybe you live in the Second Suffolk Senate district and want to keep/oust Dianne Wilkerson. Maybe you want to help one of the candidates vying to replace Jim Marzilli. Now is the time for hands-on (sorry Jim) action!
North Shore? How do you feel about Verga and his two opponents?
Medford/Winchester/Somerville area? Man do you have a lot of races to choose from! (How do you feel about stickers?)
If you don’t know much about a candidate near you, take a few minutes to read their web sites and google the news about the race. Remember, this is Massachusetts. In most of these races, the primary is the only election! (Or at least the only one that matters.)
Presidential elections only come around every 4 years, and it’s great to get swept up in the importance and excitement, but let’s not forget how this blog got its start and what makes it a great community. It’s our commitment to making progressive politics happen right here in Massachusetts.
So let’s take the next week and make a difference right here at home. For our communities, for our politics, and for our sanity.
Today is the filing deadline for the pre-primary financial reports and I will be posting on these later (only scattered results among the early filers).
We’ve got four candidates (not three as the sidebar says) running for Rachel Kaprielian’s seat. We’ve had one candidate forum already, there’s another tonight, and I believe a third tomorrow. I’ve been writing about it some, but sco knows more, of course.
Claire Paradiso of Reading is mounting a sticker campaign in the Democratic primary to get on the ballot against unopposed Minority Leader Brad Jones.
p>Story here.
p>The 20th Middlesex covers all of North Reading and parts of Reading, Middleton and Lynnfield, so if you know anyone in that district, pass it along.
A three-way race between Democrats to win the nomination for the 9th Plymouth District (Brockton) is going on as well.
p>From what I can tell, my neighbors to the north are choosing between two well-connected back slappers and a smart kid with a popular last name. The main difference seeming that the kid (Conor Yunits) is willing to tell you what he thinks. I’m working something up about that race this week.
Where’s the “Meet Matt Cassel” thread?