Hi BMGers,
I want to invite all of you to a fundraiser that I am helping organize next Sunday for a terrific progressive candidate for the state legislature, Patrick McCabe of Medford.
Patrick is a former US Army Ranger, West Point grad and SEIU union organizer challenging pro-life, anti-marriage Finneran Democrat Rep. Paul Donato in the 35th Middlesex District of Medford and Malden.
For all of you in the Newton/Brookline/MetroWest area who would like to see a more progressive legislature, join us and give what you can! There is no minimum donation, but we hope that after meeting the candidate and learning the stakes of the race, everyone who attends will give what they can in time and money to help us win this tight race in the final two weeks.
Here are the details:
Patrick McCabe Campaign – Newton Fundraiser
Sunday, September 7th, 2008 3-5pm
132 Hagen Road, Newton Center MA 02459
light refreshments and coffee will be served.
I hope to see everyone there!
disclosure: I work with the committee to elect Patrick McCabe