More from the wacky world of presidential possessions, where the elitist black guy from the south side of Chicago is running against John Sidney McCain III. John Sidney III, a 72 year-old “regular guy” is married to a 54 year old beer heiress named Cindy, a couple who is a poster child for middle-class home ownership with a total of seven houses.
Seven homes, seven garages. Chances are they aren’t little garages, either. So it’s only natural that Newsweek went to the registry to get a count of the number of cars owned by the respective families. Needless to say, McCain ran up the score.
Cindy McCain & unnamed friend.
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This has to be tongue-in-cheek, right? You’re not seriously implying that we should judge our presidential candidates on their possessions? The more they have, the less qualified they are?