If McCain were true to his word or a man of honor, he would have proposed cancelling the debate to Obama privately. If he believes the country needs their joint presence, then he would not have turned this into a politically charged decision. If Obama refused, then he could do his thing and make political hay.
But, he didn’t approach Obama in a spirit of bipartisanship. He’s using bipartisanship as a fig leaf for a desparately cynical partican ploy.
Basically, he’s saying, “I’m going to suspend my campaign … starting now.”
By the way, is there anybody in the world who felt that McCain’s and Obama’s presence in DC was a necessary condition for passage of a bailout bill? Or even helpful?
Anybody who says now that the candidates must be in Washington (once McCain is done at the Clinton gig) must be called to account for why he or she hadn’t spoken up in the previous 11 days.