Tom Gosinski worked for Cindy McCain’s medical aid charity until he realized that she was getting drug prescriptions for herself written in his name and the names of other employees. He complained and was fired. Now he is coming forward, describing how Senator McCain used Senatorial resources and connections to facilitate Cindy’s activities and try to cover up Cindy’s illegal activities. Raw Story has the details.
Apparently the only thorough investigative report done on the matter happened in 1994, and until now seems largely forgotten.
You’re U.S. Senator John McCain, and you’ve got a big problem.
Your wife, Cindy, was addicted to prescription painkillers. She stole pills from a medical-aid charity she heads and she used the names of unsuspecting employees to get prescriptions.
The public is about to find out about it.
Until now, you’ve managed to keep it all quiet. When Tom Gosinski, a man your wife fired, sued for wrongful termination and threatened to expose the whole sordid story, you didn’t hesitate to call in the big guns.
John Dowd, the attorney who got you out of your Keating Five mess, worked on getting your wife a sweetheart deal with federal prosecutors. He also made Gosinski’s lawsuit go away.
He didn’t stop there.
cross-posted at RMG
Hasn’t the complaining and whining about Sarah Palin taught you ANYTHING. The voting public will hear this story and feel bad for her.
p>You are a genius Laurel, thanks from the entire racist homophobic xenophobic Republican party.
p>Keep snooping and tell us what else you find in the gutter. Maybe Keith Uberman can help you out since he may have some free time coming up.
don’t you think people should know? He’s appropriated Obama’s “change” mantra. Do you think this means he is vowing to stop abusing his office?
Let’s talk about FACTS when you get a chance.
the 1994 edition of the “New Phoenix Times”. Yup a real Pulitzer Prize winning publication. Who is the Publisher Laurel? Dell Comics? or is it Marvel Comics?
The pathetic smear attempts are now becoming laughable.
Please spare us further crap like this. Thanks.
is the contemporary source. If you can discredit what he is saying, go for it. If you can’t, your comment is pathetic.
Another bash rag? That nobody ever heard of …Tom who? a disgruntled guy that was fired and wants revenge? This whole irrelevant farce 14 years ago ?
Laurel, seriously, this is laughable. If this tired 14 year old hatchet job story had any legs whatsoever the left wing smear machine would be on like stink on dog doo.
Have you copied Oberman and Mathews? Maybe they can get some mileage out of this pile of crap.
why are you spending so much time trying to discredit it? I would think you would be happy for us to “waste time” on what you think is a dead-end story.
and not worth arguing with. If they can’t discredit your argument, they use sarcasm to disarm the argument. Nothing matters, but the advancement of their agenda. Discussions/arguments of value require both sides follow the same rules. You won’t get that from them. Play like they do and they’ll accuse of not living up to the ideas they have decided you have decided to live by.
p>If this story had been about Bill Clinton and the wife were Hillary, or Barack and Michelle, you’d bet it would be important and they’d justify it Vince Foster style.
p>I don’t know what’s what on the addiction story. I posted on it on my blog already. It certainly sounds like Gosinski’s looking for payback. He did share his journal from the time period with reporters. Some of what he says is consistent with McCain’s personality; some of it, his concern about her abuse of her philanthropic organization to get prescription drugs, seems a little Pollyannish to me.
p>Since the McCain campaign has been peddling outright lies since the convention, turn about, as far as I’m concerned, is fair play.
the intellectual honesty to acknowledge that this story is at best, weak and as you say “Pollyannish”
I don’t however, agree with the “tit for tat” logic that says
” Hey , you say my feet stink but YOURS stink worse.” (logical inference …I know my feet stink but since I believe the other side’s feet stink worse, my stinky feet by comparison, are just fine)
Two wrongs don’t make a right.
I don’t know about you but I’m really tired of the nah nah nah na nah nah mentality.
I thought that your guy was presenting himself as a “new kind” of “uniter across party lines”. McCain is just as bad but he never proclaimed that he was a “New and different kind of politician”
What I’m seeing is the same ole political sewerage that’s in every contest for power and ego satiation… sickening, don’t you agree?
Yeah, it’s dirt. But it’s not coming from the Obama campaign.
p>The real dirt, the crap that obscures the truth is coming from the McCain campaign. It’s not a matter of both parties do the same thing because, quite frankly, they don’t. There’s some stretching of the truth on the Democratic side to be sure, but it easily snaps back into shape. The GOP take the truth, throws it on the ground, stomps on it, smears it in elephant dung, and offers it to the mainstream media which holds it up to the American public.
p>The problem is that they have turned it into a race to the bottom. The high road doesn’t lead to victory.
I understand you’re an OBama supporter ..that’s fine.
If we can put partisan politics aside for a moment….
p>My problem as a conservative and old guy veteran is the FACTS.
I live in Mass and am assuming you do too.
p>Please consider this:
p>Mr. Obama does not have much of a resume.
His post Harvard activities as a community activist aside, he became a State Senator (Ill).
p>Mark, there are over 10,000 State senators in America . Mr’ Obama’s contemporaries included such political luminaries as Jim ( do you have a Brazilian shave?) Marzilli or for that matter any one of the career lightweight pols that wander the halls of our own Beacon Hill.
Imagine taking anyone of these people and sending them to DC as a US Senator and have them attend 141 days of sessions and then proclaiming them to be “qualified” to hold the most important job on the planet??? Can’t you see how absurd this is??? This is the path Mr Obama has as his “resume” to lead the free world and have the awesome responsibility of the “nuclear football” My God, doesn’t that frighten you? ( oopss I said the bad “God” word..sorry athiests
p>I think that the liberal left’s hatred for G Bush is so intense that they are prepared to send the country into chaos at the hands of “the Sorcerer’s Apprentice” ( a classic 1939 Disney feature animation that every youngster here should see…feel free to smoke a blunt to intensify the profound message of this classic….those who have seen it know well what I’m talking about)
p>I am not a McCain fan by any means. I merely view him as the lesser of two evils.
If the left wing socialists and the youth vote buys Obama , so be it. Unfortunately, the reality of this election is regardless of who wins , the nation will remain incredibly divided and filled with hate.
p>I only hope that there is something left of the pieces of America to pick up after the experiment…JMOO
Sorry ’bout that.
The correct title of the Disney classic I was referring to is
“Fantasia” 1940 not 1939 with the “The Sorcerers Apprentice” being a subset of this great Disney classic.
It has been known to be shown in some of the great Harvard Square area theaters…don’t miss it. Again, a pre-show blunt is highly recommended…hope you get to see it if you haven’t as yet done so…. the music alone is incredible
The liberal critique of G. Bush is well-documented now — and the latest revelations only make it clear that Bush is even worse than we thought. There’s a long bill of particulars there. Bush’s has been a presidency of spectacular failure. We can start with mining safety, if you like, or perhaps you’d prefer the green light to Indian nuclear ambitions.
p>It seems like pure tribalism that keeps conservatives dishonest about these failures, unwilling to acknowledge them and thus unwilling to promise to do better.
p>As an aside, do conservatives all attend some sort of training school where they learn that a single question mark by itself is insufficient? Must all questions be triple-asked???
I’m actually thinking of starting a counseling service for folks that have hated Bush for so long that they’ll be kinda lost when he’s gone in a mere 4 months…kinda like a withdrawal thing …Wow! What will be their new outlet for such intense hate for so long? What to do when GWB is GONE ??? ( D’ya like the 3 ??? Cool huh???
The key to profitability for my new enterprise is to find a new HATE object..any ideas??? Haters are going to definitely need a new hate object…Sarah??? Newt??? O’reilly???,Hannity ??? Any recommendations???
Maybe the haters will get lucky and John Mc will be the new object of hatred for the next four years. That would be awesome for a new hate fest wouldn’t it?…opps forgot the three ??? Is this better???
Given that you haven’t responded — or even acknowledged — anything I wrote other than the snark, I shall assume that you are yet another conservative dingbat incapable of dialog and ready to fill up lots of space with smug, worthless crap. You are welcome to prove me wrong by actually saying something worth attending to. I haven’t seen it yet.
p>Even I could have done a better job at the weak, unfunny attempt to satire liberals.
I thought ad hominem attacks here were cause for being banned??? You post “I shall assume that you are yet another conservative dingbat”…Whoa!!!! sounds kinda ad hominem to me!!! Can’t you be civil here??? I wouldn’t say that about you Ken…. Come over to RMG and enjoy some tolerance and civility… ask Laurel…. folks over there don’t call her a “dingbat”…. Right Laurel? They debate with her but avoid anything personal… she can say whatever she wants to… The motto over there is “be kind to each other or else ” What is it here?
May I suggest that you try to curb your hatred for dissenting opinion and offer more objective vs subjective comments???
The billboard here reads “Reality based Commentary” not “You’re a conservative “dingbat” incapable of dialog”.
Ready to apologize , Ken ?
KBusch and I disagree on, well everything.
p>So… since KB hates me so much KB is trying to shut me down. Trying to remove me from this site. Trying to SILENCE a dissenting voice. Others here think very ill of me and call me names (racist, homophobe…) and try to belittle me in other ways but I at least have to give them credit for having a dialogue AND acknowledging my right to be heard. KB has left multiple posts lately asking why JohnD still has an account on BMG.
p>You are accusing KBusch of ad hom attacks but I am accusing KB of something worse… wanting to silence dissenting views. Is this a new part of the Democratic Platform or did I miss a memo?
p>Kb, maybe instead of acting like a Fascist you could try The spiral of silence. This is a political science and mass communication theory propounded by the German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann back in the early 1900s. The theory asserts that a person is less likely to voice an opinion on a topic if one feels that one is in the minority (me on BMG) for fear of reprisal(shut down account) or isolation from the majority.
I don’t hate you: I’ve responded to that before.
p>You do not express “views”. There are conservatives here who do. You aren’t one of them.
Can you please explain why a pillar of democracy like yourself is asking for my words to be silenced? Do you view your efforts to shut me down as being in-line with core democratic values? Would Obama want my account shut down. You can say you were wrong to do so… you are human, right?
Would you like it better if I corrected this to, “You are writing like a conservative dingbat”?
p>My handle is KBusch, by the way.
You can frame my comments or categorize my remarks anyway you desire, but I honestly believe the calling of my “account to be closed” was NOT in line with core Democratic (or Republican) values. For an intelligent, well spoken (however misguided) person as yourself, this truly was a surprise to me.
p>And remember my vote for McCain cancels your vote for Obama (even in the irrelevant state of MA).
p>Maybe after November we can figure out how to fix Congress since THEY are the only hope for this country and currently they are failing.
Then you can’t blame me then for what you don’t understand. If you’re unwilling to try to understand, then everything will remain a mystery.
p>That relieves me from having to answer you the second time you ask the same question.
I don’t like it when you speak in circles like this.
p>I simply asked you to admit this “silencing” request of yours was undemocratic. You referred me to “reread lightiris’ post. First of all, which post and second I don’t like reading her/his posts (I’ll see your Negro and raise you a vagina. ~~unnamed GOP strategist) which is exactly the suggestion I would make to anyone who doesn’t like my style of posting.
p>So… if this is our last exchange… good luck and have a wonderful remaining 2008.
If you repeatedly refuse to even attempt to understand me the first time, you don’t get a second.
p>Playing Obtuse-O-Rama with you is not fun, but just to be generous, I’ll give you a hint: BMG is a blog not a voting booth.
p>That hint will pass right over your head. You’ll make fun of it. You’ll fail to see its relevance. You will supply the usual poopy-vituperation and the usual anti-intellectual whining.
p>I’ve heard it all before.
p>I could even write your response for you.
I really don’t care who people support. I mean if I thought I had all the answers, I’d run myself.
p>I understand your reasoning. I even respect it, but, of course, I don’t agree. I voted for Clinton in the primaries, and in a perfect world, I would have liked to see Obama get some more experience.
p>Given the pieces that need to be picked up after 8 years of The Worst President Ever, and 30 years of Republican dominance, I’m willing to risk Obama’s lack of executive experience.
p>Reading about him, and watching his campaign, I think I have an idea of how he would run the country, and I honestly think he’d do a good job. Politics aside, I don’t think McCain would be a worse resident.
… and you’re certainly doing yours.
p>Last time I ‘smoked a blunt’ I fell asleep. And the time before that… It doesn’t, in fact, intensify anything for me… Guess my brain chemistry is just different.
p>Here’s a question: can you at least see WHY many people have an intense reaction to George Bush? Isn’t it kinda odd, doncha think, that actions like torture, where once it was detestable is now patriotic? I mean… seriously? When I was young, men were returning from a place called Vietnam and, with great sadness and moral horror, saying that American Soldiers were torturing people in that war. They were excorciated and demonized and spit upon and all manner of vileness and calumny was heaped upon them. Americans, they were told, don’t torture. Now, today, excorciation and calumny are all you can expect if you denounce the POLICY of torture. Americans, it seems, do torture, and gladly. Isn’t it fundamentally kinda loopy that George Bush is held in esteem for sanctioning, enacting and endorsing a policy that is a mirror of what a young John Kerry said, to his peril?
p>You actually can’t be on both sides of that divide.
p>And then again, some young men came back from Vietnan actually having BEEN tortured. One of these men, after a long and distinguished senate career fighting against torture and for reconciliation with Vietnam, now stands with the president who enacts and endorses torture.
p>You can’t actually expect me to vote for John McCain under those circumstances, can you? You can’t actually expect me to take you seriously if you endorse John McCain, can you? You cannot.
p>You’re too late, and a little naive, if you think we’ve escaped so far intact…
Here Try not to hurt yourself with it…