1. Delahunt, Tierney, Lynch. You think these guys thought Frank cut a bad deal? Please.
They were announcing “I will run for Kennedy’s seat”, no?
Add it up.
Their House seats are safe.
It’s the Senate free-for-all they’re gaming, when the Lion chooses to step down.
They get a little angle on Markey, possibly Gabrieli, and maybe Joe For Oil.
2. Another musing: Yoon tries to block Flaherty from establishing himself as heir apparent. Smart.
Seems like a THIRD candidate might emerge, no? I.e., Menino can’t be mad at everyone. Why wouldn’t a Tobin or Connolly get in on this?
Some Boston voters savvy enough to vote for that since Menino will win anyway, they might want to help their guy come in second.
A pro Menino Westy voter might slip his vote to Tobin. A reliable Menino Southie voter might pull lever for Flaherty.
Menino liked the last couple elections. Hollow critique from weak candidates.
This one will be more fiery critique from weak candidates. Much better story line for the Globe….there’s a mini horse race….who comes in second?
lynne says
They actually though the bill sucked. Has that occurred to you?
goldsteingonewild says
realitybased says
Trying to tar Delahunt, Tierney, and Lynch with the same brush??? Methinks you know not your congressmen very well.
As you say, “Their House seats are safe”, so they can vote in the best interest of our country, as opposed to counting up the phone calls or listening to the standard fear mongering from the W crew.
p>I think it refreshing that we had a few courageous souls in our delegation. Granted it is hard to imagine these three agreeing since they are pretty well separated ideologically, but these are strange times that make for strange bedfellows. I doubt they’ve had the time to think about Kennedy and/or their political ambition.
p>Liberal Rank in the House:
Tierney 18
Delahunt 53
Lynch 143
p>I say break out the tar and feathers for all those ‘Yea’ voting dopes that haven’t learned the lessons of the past eight years – Fear not what W says will happen, fear what he will do if you let him!
sabutai says
Barney Frank is hardly unaware that one or both Massachusetts Senate seats will add up, and being the point man in a crisis is a good opportunity to make a good impression.
goldsteingonewild says
mebbe. i wonder.
p>his current house chairmanship seems like a pretty good perch.
sabutai says
Remember in 2004 we had a spate of ads when Frank had no opposition. Plus, if Obama wins, there’s a good chance Kerry gets appointed somewhere — double the chance, perhaps.
hlpeary says
There’s a laugh riot for you…hope all 3 jump in as Martha Coakley walks, not runs, to victory!
bob-neer says
The idea of any of those three challenging Coakley is, well, criminal.