Dear BMGers,
I want to share with you a short piece I wrote for, a local news website here in my district. It expresses my feelings on the choice we have before us, and why our campaign so urgently needs your help.
“What would you think if you heard your state representative was one of the staunchest opponents on Beacon Hill of a woman’s right to choose? Or that he authored an amendment to end stem cell research in Massachusetts? Or that he fought to prevent healthcare from becoming a universal right for every citizen of our state? Would you say that he was fatally out of touch with the values of our community? I would.
My name is Patrick McCabe, and that is why I am running for State Representative. Our incumbent, Paul Donato, is out of touch with the values of our community. Paul has violated our trust by championing an extreme, right wing agenda on Beacon Hill. It’s time for a change to someone who shares our values. I believe that healthcare is a universal human right, that promising medical research must be pursued, and that women’s right to privacy in medical decision making is protected by our constitution. When I have the honor of representing you on Beacon Hill, I will fight every day to make sure that our values, and our voices, are heard.
I’m a West Point graduate, and served seven years active duty in the United States Army, leaving with the rank of Major. As a company commander with the 101st Airborne Division, I led America’s men and women to stop genocide in Kosovo. For the past four years, I’ve worked in the labor movement, as the Organizing and Communications director of an SEIU union local. Every day at work, I help lead working people to stand up for the fair treatment and respect they deserve.
Our campaign has brought together an unlikely coalition committed to bringing new leadership to this district that reflects our community’s values. Teamsters and MassEquality members, union Painters and NARAL activists are working together for the change we need. But more than anything else, the outcome of this race depends on you.”
I’ve never backed away from a challenge, but I can’t win this race without your help. I need you at my side going door-to-door and IDing voters by phone in these critical final days before the primary. Together, we can pull of an upset, knock out a leading arch-conservative voice in house leadership, and give Medford and Malden the progressive voice they need on Beacon Hill.
We would be extremely grateful for a contribution; both money and time are precious. You can donate here…
or you can schedule a time to volunteer by contacting our campaign manager, Andi Wheeler, at or at (561)-601-6568.
See you on the trail!
In Unity,
Patrick McCabe
Democrat for State Representative
35th Middlesex District
He just called me this evening. We had a nice chat about the election and I contributed right away through his website.