Can somebody call Fonzi? The Barack Obama campaign just put another nail in it’s own coffin. Today, the Obama campaign mocked John McCain for not being able to use a computer. None on that campaign bothered to Google why he couldn’t use a computer. Let’s look at the Boston Globe on March 4, 2000 shall we?
McCain gets emotional at the mention of military families needing food stamps or veterans lacking health care. The outrage comes from inside: McCain’s severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes. Friends marvel at McCain’s encyclopedic knowledge of sports. He’s an avid fan – Ted Williams is his hero – but he can’t raise his arm above his shoulder to throw a baseball.
Perhaps the Obama team instead of sending thirty lawyers and oppo research guys to Alaska to vet Sarah Palin, should have vetted their own ad.
Oh and it’s not just the Boston Globe that had the facts in the past. had the same story in 2000 as well.
“Six months ago, no one would have pegged McCain as the most cybersavvy of this year’s crop of candidates. At 63, he is the oldest of the bunch and because of his war injuries, he is limited in his ability to wield a keyboard.”
In 1982 you didn’t need to know how to use a computer, and the tax policy of the Republican Party was to cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans. The message: McCain is stuck in 1982, leave the failed policies of the GOP behind and vote for Obama.
…but without a link showing exactly what the Obama campaign said, I’ll hold off. What exactly has incurred your wrath this time? And if we can get past it, do you want to comment on the issue of health care? I’m pimping my diary tonight…
I just saw the link to NRO at the bottom of your post, I certainly understand this better now.
p>You’re saying that when McCain said he was a computer illiterate in August, that was a setup for this bit of phony outrage? From the link:
p>Let’s see – McCain says publicly that he’s a computer illiterate, and then gets outraged (with a POW tie-in) at the Obama campaign when they say publicly that McCain is a computer illiterate. Well, you and the rest of the McCainiacs are welcome to suffer through fits of extreme simulated outrage all you want over this imagianry slight – we’re discussing real issues in the thread I linked to above, you’re welcome to particiapte in that…
…that there are at least one or two adults in the Obama campaign who know full well of McCain’s war injuries, and the physical limitations he has as a result of those wounds.
p>But they’ve made a cynical political calculation: That the McCain camp won’t attempt to explain these afflictions for fear that it might be misconstrued as infirmity or weakness.
p>Yes, it is hypocritical, ugly, and base.
But what do you expect from someone who calls the veep nominee of his opponent a pig?
I should have predicted it above…
…why don’t you actually attempt the power of thought, and refute it?
See my posts above – McCain called himself a computer illiterate several times during the campaign this year. Now, when the Obama campaign calls him a computer illiterate, he gets upset – it’s just more phony outrage, and you’re swallowing it instead of looking at real issues. Indeed, you’re bringing up yesterday’s phony outrage, then “lipstick on a pig” nonsense – that’s a very common expression, and anyone who assumes that’s about Sarah Palin must be someone who thinks she’s a pig! Let me tell you – Sarah Palin is no pig, any man with two eyes (or even one) can see that…
You acted on instinct, like a dog on a hydrant.
You lifted lines out of context to fit your incomprehensibly confined frame of reference.
p>You’re nothing if not predictable.
I’d rather discuss the issues than the phony Republican outrage swirling around today. Issues like this quote from Eabo’s Boston Globe link:
p>McCain gets emotional over that? He gets emotional, but when given a chance to vote in favor of expanding care and benefits for veterans, he still votes against them?
he was referring to the ‘pig’ reference. More fun to call someone a dog, I suppose.
is because he can’t use one. He said his wife checks his email. His wife checks his email because he is physically unable to do so due to his war injuries. this isn’t phony outrage, its not even outrage. It is a commentary on how stupid the obama campaign has become.
p>This won’t play well in middle america. It plays perfectly well here in the People’s Republik but won’t in flyover country. Hell you guys have managed to Make Washington state come to within the margin of error.
i am replying to you with one finger, eabo. guess which one?
p>i imagine mccain could do this too. if he werent so out of it. dont hand us this crock.
… to use a computer, I’ve to to figure he could have and would have found a way. Even one handed typing would have sufficed. It can only be said that it appears not to have been a priority for him in any way.
He doesn’t like using a computer, there are millions of people who don’t like using computers, or don’t have computers, or haven’t been able to figure them out. Does Obama really want to be more elitist and east coast university snobby than he already is?
What about using a car? Or zippers on clothing?
who knew?!
That’s the elitism, dummies, not using the thing. Elitism is about attitude, not about one’s lifestyle or wealth. It shows itself when you mock people as dumb rubes, or come in and “organize” the masses who need their expertise and computer skills.
He just does it by remote control (Cindy) while boasting to be computer illiterate and avoiding the use of tools for the handicapped (like I rely on, btw). What a dweebe.
But do we mock people who can’t use computers but want to be able to use the American nuclear arsenal? You betcha.
They’ll find it anywhere they can get it.
The McCain campaign won’t take an opportunity to mention that he was a POW (because it might be construed as weakness)? You don’t seem to have been paying attention to the POW McCain POW campaign POW at POW all.
I don’t know the details of what might prevent McCain from using a computer, but there are plenty of people with varying levels of disabilities who manage to use computers and interact on the Internet. Ever heard of Stephen Hawking?
His wife checks his email? Shouldn’t the Republican philosophy of “rugged individualism” dictate that McCain adapts and uses the computer himself?
p>I’m sensitive to the idea that not everyone has the same physical abilities than me, but knowing of quadriplegics and people living with MS who use computers both recreationally and as a critical job requirement shows me that McCain could learn to use the computer if he wanted to.
p>If McCain thought that being computer literate was important, he would have found a way to become computer literate, even if he couldn’t type and manipulate a mouse as easily and fluidly as many of us can.
p>(see also: Stephen Hawking as Jasiu said.)
Obama isn’t exploiting McCain’s war injuries, McCain is doing that by playing the eternal martyr. When doesn’t he mention being tortured? Sure, it is an important piece of his biography, but repeating it in every speech cheapens it into a political prop. Remember when John Edwards never missed an opportunity to tell the story of his tragically killed son? Using real tragedy to tear-jerk votes is disgusting, whether you’re a dem or a repub.
p>McCain bragged/admitted he was computer illiterate, yet also says he loves sitting down to email with Cindy as his secretary. He talks up his injuries for pity votes and calls himself a maverick, yet apparently won’t use voice recognition software or a table PC. The guy is a political con artist, saying whatever works best at the moment.