Obama gets it exactly right (HT: Laurel) on whether to debate on Friday, and why.
“With respect to the debates, it’s my belief that this is exactly the time when the American people need to hear from the person who in 40 days will be responsible for dealing with this mess. . . . In my mind, actually it’s more important than ever that we present ourselves to the American people.” He did not commit to come back to Washington, saying he did not want to “infuse Capitol Hill with presidential politics.”
Most people have not heard directly from the candidates since the conventions. The fact that the debate is this Friday is a happy coincidence, since it provides the people exactly the opportunity that Obama is talking about. McCain should be roundly pilloried for trying to delay it.
…is not multitasking.
p>It’s shirking.
But I agree he is shirking. The big question is, will McCain continue his regular napping schedule no matter what transpires on Friday?
is doing the, um “shuck and jive”? If I were half as cynical as you, I’d claim your statement is bigoted.
p>Welcome to your world.
Since “singing and dancing” have nothing whatsoever to do with the origin of the term “shuck and jive” it would appear you’re the one sewing terms of bigotry from whole cloth.
I never said it had anything to do with dancing–you jumped to that conclusion. Shirking or pretending to do something or misleading in some other way is what I was referring to, which is what the term means.
At least have the balls to own it.
p>Sad really, the tortured hallucination that begets such a distorted analysis.
And contrived for what purpose?
To satisfy some pathetic need to unmask an imaginary oogity boogity lurking behind every less-than-progressive comment?
p>You have some serious, sick, anger issues, kid.
p>And if you imagine you’re going to find racism driving anything that I say or do, you have a looong row to hoe.
p>You have no idea.
Not so yours. It’s as if you sputtered them out in a fit of rage.
p>That’s not the only irony either. I had the same reaction as LightIris and remembered your previous “Lipstick on a Pig” comments. The McCain campaign has attempted to portray Obama as a Black entertainer, as a celebrity. Did you fall for that?
That’s hardly black entertainment, KBush.
p>And yes, lightiris’ comment was vile and unfounded and I said so. No apology. Sue me.
p>As for my take on Obama’s dopey lipstick gaffe? Explain to this poor dumb yankee just how you divine racism from that opinion. It should be an interesting leap of logic.
p>Some here play fast and loose with “proof” when it suits their presentation, but then require a higher standard from those with whom they disagree.
There’s a term for that.
p>Look, Things are getting pretty damned heated over this election, on all sides. That’s just plain fact.
p>And some folks are going to take some pretty tough shots at the candidates and their records.
But other folks just seem to want to take some cheap shots at, erm, other folks.
otherwise that accusation is really a
s t r e t c h .
Is that technology not available to McCain?
I can’t see any way around it.
We need this debate. The voters deserve it, the candidates owe us their thoughts.
You say debating really matters.
Why, then, won’t you get your ass back to work for a matter that needs debating?
p>Don’t cash that paycheck.
You haven’t earned it.
but don’t let the facts get in the way.
Not who voted to rename what post office in June.
authoritatively, but what you say is half-assed bullshit. But I agree with your style: if you say it with enough confidence and authority, people might be duped into thinking what you say is true. Rather Palinesque of you. Bravo!
if he does, i suppose he just burns it. pocket change.
What country does McCain imagine he is asking to lead?
Politically incorrect, I know, but true nevertheless. Can we get this guy some medals to pin on his front and back so he can become the tinpot “commander in chief” we all know he can be?
McCain nuked the fridge.
From CNN.
p>At this point the debate commission and Obama say the debate is still on. While McCain says that he might not show up.
p>They are using the financial crisis to push off the VP debate. What desperation and ridiculousness in the McCain campaign.