Here’s an interesting little quote direct from the Official White House website, reporting Vice President Cheney’s November 1, 2004 remarks about John Kerry at the Jackson Hole airport.
Well, he’s working very hard to cover it up. Now, we got into the campaign, of course, and he’s trying hard to cover up the fact that he voted against the first Gulf War; against Operation Desert Storm; voted against most of the weapons systems that President Reagan used to keep the peace and win the Cold War. But the point is that no matter how hard he tries, no matter how much spin he tries to put on it, that you can’t cover that record up with a little tough talk during the course of the campaign, that as we say in Wyoming, you can put all the lipstick you want on a pig, but in the end of the day, it’s still a pig.
Barack Obama also seems to love the lipstick. Reported in the Washington Post, September 14, 2007.
‘I think that both General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker are capable people who have been given an impossible assignment,’ Sen. Barack Obama said yesterday in a telephone interview. ‘George Bush has given a mission to General Petraeus, and he has done his best to try to figure out how to put lipstick on a pig.
I’m in the wrong business. Seems there must be lots of money in the pig cosmetic business in Washington.
She put Lipstick on a Pig on the cover of her book.
p>From the Daily Kos:
He can’t even use the “lipstick on a pig” cliche without getting Palin dragged into the story. Obama vs. Palin is a no-win situation, and that’s the race we have on our hands (see Globe front page photo, Thursday, 9/10/08 … Palin vs. Obama.)
p>Thank you, in-the-tank-for-Obama, hyperventilating, liberal media. Keep up the good work. You, too Pablo…keep Palin front and center.
It’s the wisest thing to do for them but they can’t stop bemoaning her.
p>Obama should also know there are some things which men have to be damn careful to say when a woman is even remotely involved. The same could be said for McCain using any terms which could remotely be interpreted as racist. In these cases perception becomes reality.
p>Here’s an idea for some poor democrat wanting to become a rich Republican… start selling Obama LIPSTICK. You’ll make millions then complain about how much taxes you pay, union wages and worker’s rights.
The bloom is starting to come off this rose as the country gets to know her. A fiesty hocky mom is being replaced by a small town schemer who hit the jackpot when she got to the Governor’s mansion and starting soaking the state for everything it was worth — a dissembling religious fanatic (“I put it on eBay”) who used the state to persecute her enemies, and talked about banning books.
p>Palin will energize the evangelical vote, although query how much: they are not idiots, and they know McCain is not one of them. That will be her only real impact, I think.
p>The campaign will tighten up and get serious in the last few weeks. Right now, it is all about raising money.
But I really worry that the constant knocks will, in the words of one TV talking head yesterday, inoculate her against further, more substantial evidence about her record and views. The whole “cry wolf” thing. We can’t discount that some people have decided she’s likable and won’t be swayed by anything short of (to twist a phrase) her being caught with a dead boy or a live girl.
I actually gotta agree with boston and John this one time. If Obama wins Obama-Palin by mid-October…that gets us nothing. It means that Obama-McCain is up in the air, and that’s the battle that needs fighting.
p>The country realizes that she’s small-time, which is okay because the VP is typically a small-time position. Abe Lincoln won a freakin’ Civil War without any real help from his vice president. This isn’t the issue.
who I’ve ever heard use this stupid simile (or metaphor, or whatever)? Enough already- your mission, if you choose to accept it (this means you, Mack, Dick, and Barack) come up with a non-porcophobe metaphor to signify the idea of dressing up a bad idea without improving its essential quality.
Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.
p>And the world looks just the same.
And history ain’t changed.
p>Don’t get fooled again!
I typically don’t like Chris Matthews very much, but boy did he skewer the Republicans last night trying to defend the McCain lipstick ad. The Republicans truly have become the Repuglicans. They have no shame.
That’s the question.
so it’s really meant to try to turn the conversation in the media. In that effort, I think it mainly failed. Of course, it works on some people, the question becomes if it worked on anyone who wasn’t already going to vote for them to begin with. There’s always a few, but I think this would have backfired on more. But this is all just conjecture at this point.
Comments about Nobama being the new messiah, but when dod NoBiden assume the mantle. Telling a wheelchair person to stand up? HEAL ME JOE! HEAL ME! And while you’re at it can you make me grow a new leg.
p>Memo to Mr. Biden: Meet the person whose name you’re going to toss out like a life-long pal. Seriously, if he’s that obtuse, do you really want him in charge? I’ll go with Palin.