I know a fundamentalist (not AOG) who says Catholics aren’t really Christians, and other people have told me that it’s standard fundamentalist doctrine that some mainstream churches aren’t “real Christians”. (I also saw some yahoo bashing Quakers on on one of the fundamentalist TV programs. But I don’t think McCain was getting much of the Quaker vote anyway.) If AOG church leaders say the same about Catholics, then someone should ask Palin if she agrees.
What does this mean to you? have you heard of fair use, have you heard of blockquotes? This is wholesale copywright infringement.
Apparently, your political distortion is preventing you from seeing the quotes around Ben Smith’s outstanding piece.
Why not comment on the subject matter between the quotes.
Unlike Barack Obama who was tarred with a sermon of his pastor Wright Sarah Palin was ACTUALLY in her church a few weeks ago and sat through this bizarre anti-Jewish rant and did not take an opposing view. Would have to conclude that Sarah Palin believes that Jews bring on their own attacks because they are not Christians. And you want this religious bigot a heart attack, cancer spread, away from the Oval Office?
You should use block quotes to clearly indicate the part you are quoting, and you should not quote more than 4 paragraphs (less if it’s a very short piece).
p>You can make a block quote using the “Quote” button below the text box on the form. Just paste the quoted text between the tags. Here’s an example of what it should look like:
“There is almost always an inverse proportion between a candidate’s popularity among conservative Christians and secular Jews,” said Jeff Ballabon, a Republican lobbyist long active in Jewish politics who supports McCain.
An illustration of that gap came just two weeks ago, when Palin’s church, the Wasilla Bible Church, gave its pulpit over to a figure viewed with deep hostility by many Jewish organizations: David Brickner, the executive director of Jews for Jesus.
p>You also should supply a link so that lazy people like me can go to the original, without having to look for it on politico.com.
To produce a blockquote in HTML, here’s what you do.
p>Say you want to write, “Mr. Smithers asserted, ‘Palin is unqualified’.” You’d write it as follows:
p> Mr Smithers asserted:<blockquote>Palin is unqualified.</blockquote>
p>I think this is important and I hope the copyright question doesn’t distract further from the discussion of the issue. I’m presuming you didn’t know, and I hope you will edit the diary to highlight the most important points and let people read the rest at the original site.
Perhaps, if I were more computer adept I would understand the mechanism you discussed. One would think that the importance of Ben Smith’s article would override the computer geek nonsense and that the quotes and specific attribution would suffice. I would think that Ben Smith would appreciate the wide disemination of his article. Realize he is not being paid for it and that is a problem with the Internet.
But as you said let us not lose sight of the subject of Ben Smith’s outstanding article.
And considering how big a story the Wright saga became, this is certainly a story, if her church is giving Brickman a voice.
…precisely because of Jeremiah Wright. Our side insisted, rightfully I believe, that just because Obama’s Pastor said something doesn’t mean Obama agrees. I think in all fairness we should not assume Palin agrees with her Pastor says either. Whether or not either Obama or Palin were present when their respective Pastors said these things doesn’t mean much either. Most people do not just get up and walk out in the middle of a sermon.
That they have the ‘ way, the truth and the light and all other faiths are apostates but most especially Roman Catholics and Jews. At least they think the Jews can be saved eg. Jews for Jesus, but that Roman Catholic are the fallen angel never to enter the Kingdom of God.
So, walking away or sitting in the sermon is a distinction without a difference. The Assemblies of God are religious nut bags to their very core. And you want one a breath away from the nuclear button. NO WAY! Sarah Pallin is a danger to the very fiber of the Constitution. She would rip it up in an instant to force her own particular religious interpretations on the rest of us. Sarah Palin fits the description of many an AG …trailer park trash, reformed whores, drunks, druggies and individuals who were never able to live within the norms of a civil society. They suddenly see the light and the rest of the world is wrong and only they can reform it. Sounds like Germany in the late 1920’s. Deutschland uber Alles !
Now, THIS is irony!
p>Paint an entire religious group with a very broad brush, demonizing the group as unable to “live within the norms of civil society.” Then compare the group to the Nazis while spitting the same type of bile Nazis saved for die Jüden.
p>Double points for claiming AoG members are a “danger to the very fiber of the Constitution” while recommending a de facto religious test for VP. Religious tests are expressly unconstitutional (Article VI.)
p>Well done, sir. Well done.
Palin has injected this religious test upon herself by injecting the Assemblies Of God religious biases as a Republican Manifesto to be initiated if elected.
Imagine if Joe Biden had said he would consult with the Pope on Catholic dogma before setting forth governmental policy in this pluralistic society. There would be an outrage across the country – rightfully so.
With due deference to Mel Brooks let us ‘ pray ‘ that we do not hear the goose stepping rhythms of a new phrased “Springtime for Sarah and America……”
You’re right. It is a big story. We just don’t want you to get in hot water, PJ.
Much appreciated. Heard only one TV commentator refer to this article. Curious why it hasn’t had wider distribution.Of course, you would be knocked off talk radio if you tried to bring it up.
I know a fundamentalist (not AOG) who says Catholics aren’t really Christians, and other people have told me that it’s standard fundamentalist doctrine that some mainstream churches aren’t “real Christians”. (I also saw some yahoo bashing Quakers on on one of the fundamentalist TV programs. But I don’t think McCain was getting much of the Quaker vote anyway.) If AOG church leaders say the same about Catholics, then someone should ask Palin if she agrees.
What does this mean to you? have you heard of fair use, have you heard of blockquotes? This is wholesale copywright infringement.
Apparently, your political distortion is preventing you from seeing the quotes around Ben Smith’s outstanding piece.
Why not comment on the subject matter between the quotes.
Unlike Barack Obama who was tarred with a sermon of his pastor Wright Sarah Palin was ACTUALLY in her church a few weeks ago and sat through this bizarre anti-Jewish rant and did not take an opposing view. Would have to conclude that Sarah Palin believes that Jews bring on their own attacks because they are not Christians. And you want this religious bigot a heart attack, cancer spread, away from the Oval Office?
You should use block quotes to clearly indicate the part you are quoting, and you should not quote more than 4 paragraphs (less if it’s a very short piece).
p>You can make a block quote using the “Quote” button below the text box on the form. Just paste the quoted text between the tags. Here’s an example of what it should look like:
p>You also should supply a link so that lazy people like me can go to the original, without having to look for it on politico.com.
To produce a blockquote in HTML, here’s what you do.
p>Say you want to write, “Mr. Smithers asserted, ‘Palin is unqualified’.” You’d write it as follows:
p> Mr Smithers asserted:<blockquote>Palin is unqualified.</blockquote>
p>It appears as
p>Mr Smithers asserted:
p>I think this is important and I hope the copyright question doesn’t distract further from the discussion of the issue. I’m presuming you didn’t know, and I hope you will edit the diary to highlight the most important points and let people read the rest at the original site.
Perhaps, if I were more computer adept I would understand the mechanism you discussed. One would think that the importance of Ben Smith’s article would override the computer geek nonsense and that the quotes and specific attribution would suffice. I would think that Ben Smith would appreciate the wide disemination of his article. Realize he is not being paid for it and that is a problem with the Internet.
But as you said let us not lose sight of the subject of Ben Smith’s outstanding article.
And considering how big a story the Wright saga became, this is certainly a story, if her church is giving Brickman a voice.
…precisely because of Jeremiah Wright. Our side insisted, rightfully I believe, that just because Obama’s Pastor said something doesn’t mean Obama agrees. I think in all fairness we should not assume Palin agrees with her Pastor says either. Whether or not either Obama or Palin were present when their respective Pastors said these things doesn’t mean much either. Most people do not just get up and walk out in the middle of a sermon.
That they have the ‘ way, the truth and the light and all other faiths are apostates but most especially Roman Catholics and Jews. At least they think the Jews can be saved eg. Jews for Jesus, but that Roman Catholic are the fallen angel never to enter the Kingdom of God.
So, walking away or sitting in the sermon is a distinction without a difference. The Assemblies of God are religious nut bags to their very core. And you want one a breath away from the nuclear button. NO WAY! Sarah Pallin is a danger to the very fiber of the Constitution. She would rip it up in an instant to force her own particular religious interpretations on the rest of us. Sarah Palin fits the description of many an AG …trailer park trash, reformed whores, drunks, druggies and individuals who were never able to live within the norms of a civil society. They suddenly see the light and the rest of the world is wrong and only they can reform it. Sounds like Germany in the late 1920’s. Deutschland uber Alles !
Now, THIS is irony!
p>Paint an entire religious group with a very broad brush, demonizing the group as unable to “live within the norms of civil society.” Then compare the group to the Nazis while spitting the same type of bile Nazis saved for die Jüden.
p>Double points for claiming AoG members are a “danger to the very fiber of the Constitution” while recommending a de facto religious test for VP. Religious tests are expressly unconstitutional (Article VI.)
p>Well done, sir. Well done.
Palin has injected this religious test upon herself by injecting the Assemblies Of God religious biases as a Republican Manifesto to be initiated if elected.
Imagine if Joe Biden had said he would consult with the Pope on Catholic dogma before setting forth governmental policy in this pluralistic society. There would be an outrage across the country – rightfully so.
With due deference to Mel Brooks let us ‘ pray ‘ that we do not hear the goose stepping rhythms of a new phrased “Springtime for Sarah and America……”
You’re right. It is a big story. We just don’t want you to get in hot water, PJ.
Much appreciated. Heard only one TV commentator refer to this article. Curious why it hasn’t had wider distribution.Of course, you would be knocked off talk radio if you tried to bring it up.