Today on my WUML radio show, Thinking Out Loud, I interviewed Democratic candidate for 2nd Middlesex district, Jim Arciero.
He has some very interesting ideas regarding 9C powers and the current potential budget crisis, among other things. It’s well worth a listen. đŸ™‚ Jim was the legislative director for Senate Ways and Means chair Senator Panagiotakos, so he knows the issue very well.
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The 2nd Middlesex needs a representative that will be able to help fix the economic mess that we are in and nurture new economic growth at the State House.
p>Jim Arciero has the experience, vision and practical understanding of the legislative process to deliver big things for his district.
Arciero seems to have a strong understanding of the challenges in Chelmsford, and he knows the district well. For my money, Arcerio has the newer and better ideas for his district and the state in general. He has the right idea on education, and his approach to the state budget is reasonable. On the other hand, Avella wants to invest in the financial services sector and cut taxes for giants like Fidelity. Those are the same ideas that got us here, and we should all run in the other direction.
He is well informed and an excellent candidate for our party. I think he is going to need our help in his district. It tends to lean right. Maybe we should move his race to the races to watch section. I bet he could use our support.