“So Sambo beat the bitch!”
This is how Republicrat Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin described Barack Obama’s victory over Hillary Clinton in a restaurant in Wasilla a few days after Obama locked up the Democratic Party presidential nomination.
According the waitress who served them, whose name is Lucille, Gov. Palin was eating lunch with some of her political operatives when the subject of the Democrat’s primary battle came up. Sarah Palin uttered the slur and then laughed loudly.
The waitress said it was disgusting but was frightened of being discovered.
Please share widely!
Do you agree with Sarah Palin’s bigotted remark?
There’s plenty of REAL serious issues with her as a candidate without having to print heresay about a racist comment that she supposedly uttered within earshot of one witness.
Anyone can just make quotes up.
Why do you doubt that the waitress would make this up. What do you have against waitresses. You know, how many African Americans are there in Alaska? Seems like a pretty white and insulated world where African Americans would not be welcome or considered as equals. Remember, the woman at the McCain rally who called Hillary Clinton a “Bitch” and Old McCain laughed. So, not so far off that Sambo and Bitch would show up at a restaurant in Anchorage.
This is indeed thinly sourced. Perhaps “Lucille” would have no motive to make this up, but one could imagine that the writer Charley James did. From his article, I might infer that the Republicans in Alaska, Palin in particular, are powerful, rich, and vindictive. So we cannot expect to get at the truth.
p>I’m not sure I buy that.
p>If Palin is referring to indigenous Alaskans as “Alaskan Arabs”, I’d expect that to leak out readily. She has made herself enough enemies that the lack of corroboration of such allegations would indicate that there is nothing there. There’s a small chance there is, but I’d prefer to wait for it before we trumpet it as fact.
I think the main point is that the vetting process for Palin was reckless even if she were a great candidate. That fits in with a narrative of McCain being reckless about national security and foreign policy questions. That’s more of the same because Bush has shown similar recklessness: Russia-Georgia recently, Iran, Iraq invasion, Iraq occupation non-planning, security breach in Pakistan for political gain, India’s nuclear ambitions, and North Korea.
I’m not sure I understand Wookie’s zero, but the other zeros seem like ratings abuse.
There is no data other than a single person… nothing. The blogosphere could be full of baseless unproven charges like this and I would hope BMG handles this properly.
p>Most would start like this “I heard one time Obama…”
But for what it’s worth, I read that link independently of this post, and found it utterly non-credible. Anonymous waitress, no corroboration … whatevs.
p>She’d be a terrible enough president even without being outwardly racist. And that link is about as credible as “Obama is Muslim”.
In general, the bile and vitriol cards are playing well. Depending of course on your perspective.
It’s unseemly. Rise above, guys.
Or stick your head in the sand which ever you prefer.
“The Truth Will Set You Free”.
By the way, Matt Damon called.
He wants his tin foil hat back.
I got it from Bill O’Really !
I got it from Bill O’Really !
Granted a public figure should probably be more careful about what they say, but I’m personally glad that every one of my comments has not been recorded for posterity. I’m not saying the remark wasn’t insensitive, but we’ve all said something not truly reflective of who we are.
Having watched the Charlie Gibson rather weak interview with Sarah Palin tonight one bit of information popped up which may give more credibility to the “Sambo and The Bitch” story.
p>The waitress called herself “Lucille”. Tonight Gibson said that “Lucille” is the name of the lake in front of Palin’s house in Alaska. That would most likely target this story to someone from her town or area who used the name “Lucille” as a direct link to Palin immediate surroundings. Since Palin was a total unknown two weeks ago outside of Alaska and this “Sambo and The Bitch” conversation took place months ago it is unlikely that someone would have had any idea that “Lucille” pinpoints the event right to Palin’s residence other than someone who knows her.