My satirical “broad” piece and poll I posted yesterday got taken down by “the man”.
Speech police. The easy ones like my post become knee jerk no-brainers for the Kool-Aide drinking BMGers. Are David, Bob, and Charley part of the congregation that goes along like most of us, not fully understanding the deep meanings in the scripture and rituals?
Are they far left socialists like the Democratic Socialists of America whose members are…
building progressive movements for social change while establishing an openly socialist presence in American communities and politics.
The Boston Chapter of DSA is a member of Mass Alliance – the small far left political group that endorses candidates if the candidates ask for the endorsement and commit to “all our shared values.”
Like Ken “the Hen” Donnelly in Burlington.
Do the retired firefighters know about Ken Donnelly commitment to “all the values” of the socialists? They should.
The local far left is all about power through a government they want desperately to control; the kind that try to eliminate all competition in schools, business, and social standings; the kind that do not reward hard work and ambition; a government encouraging its people to be lazy, unmotivated, entitled and anti-intellectual.
That is their Utopia and anyone who stands in the way is evil. Just read all the propaganda.
The far right wants us to believe they are morally superior.
The far left wants us to believe they are not only morally but also intellectually superior.
This perfecta in arrogance allows them to easily beat up on anyone who questions the details in their pathetic reality. By establishing themselves as the moral and intellectual superstar only an ignorant person with little morals and/or intelligence would question or criticize.
Environment, education, social justice, women, children, poor; if you question the socialists then you are anti all those things. And how do we know they are for good? Mostly because the constantly tell us and sometimes show us by stopping benign politically incorrect speech from infiltrating the minds of the masses.
To get their political control the far left socialists BMGer type rally those who have large numbers and fit one of a few profiles.
1. People easy to make feel victimized by Society and/or looking for an easy way out. Poor, minorities, welfare mothers, working poor.
2. People, groups, institutions, who can make $$$ through government/tax payer money by providing services to the victimized.
3. Certain government employee unions, such as teachers. Notice how firefighters, police, and building trades unions are not members of Mass Alliance?
These groups along with the Socialists make up Mass Alliance. And the nut bags at the Sierra Club who don’t want anyone driving cars.
You called Palin’s daughter a repulsive name, and you made baseless claims about McCain using epithets. Stop making things up about freedom of speech: it just comes across as whining.
I honestly don’t remember? I don’t save this stuff and you deleted it. I have nothing to refer to. And I used “epithets” in making “baseless claims”? my my my.
p>Tell me these “baseless” claims. Unless I was joking of course and it went over your head or you chose to take satire literally so who can then stand on the propaganda high horse.
p>I am entitled to an answer Bob. Give me the quotes so I may have an opportunity to defend myself against your accusations of baseless claims.
p>Give me the quotes Bob. Don’t be intellectually dishonest.
well, what do we know.
p>She fucks.
p>She is young
p>Is she a whore?
p>Bob says not a whore. OK.
p>But I asked Bob, and he deleted it, if he has, had, or will have a teenage daughter what does he want her to know about high school girls that are giving it up?
That’s all I can say in good conscience.
are the ‘baseless claims” I made against McClain. I honestlt can’t think of any claim I made.
p>I want to defend myself but Bob won’t let me. He just makes unsubstantiated baseless claims against me.
p>He wants me to go away i think.
I mean, EaBo, you do have your own home court.
p>If your content is compelling, put it up on Red Mass and lure us over to look. I mean, if you have great stuff, why waste it on the politically other-winged?
p>As for Donnelly, please keep spreading the word that he is a socialist. It helps in this domain.
you stupid socialist.
people in most comments you make? I’m sure you know the saying that you’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Think about it.
I need to apologize to EaBo. Perhaps ErBo III needs to post on EaBo’s Red group. See how they like it.
morally arrogant. BMGers like you pablo are intellectually and morally arrogant.
p>As I said in the post, a perfecta. In Ernie’s world it is a no-brainer to chose BMG over RMG.
p>I like vinegar. It is a natural cleanser.
You’re starting to sound like the senile grandfather whose rants everyone learns to ignore…
Why would a candidate choose to associate himself with a small political activist group that counts self described socialists as its poltical soul mates? Socialists whose stated goals are to infiltrate American politics.
p>A candidate should be able to defend his political decisions or say he/her made a mistake. The Socialists have a right to organize and be heard. They are not the enemy here. People like Ken Donnelly are the enemy because they help the socilaists in through the back door.
p>Defend yourself Ken Donnelly.
p>Tell all those retired firefighters that you have holding signs every morning why you have chosen to marry the socilaists?
p>Call me grandpa, eury. But don’t call me stupid.