I meant this post as a comment to Frank Skeffington’s post on conservatives but for some reason my comments keep getting blocked at the preview section so just figured I post it anyway
The right-wing has clearly outdone themselves this time in trying to “play the reverse victim” card and use identity politics to drive a wedge throgh the electorate – something they always have accused liberals of. Now they are the party of struggling working moms and teenage parents – of everyday families who know what it’s like when Daddy get’s tagged for driving while drunk. I mean c’mon, doesn’t everyone have a brother-in-law who tasers his kids and threatens to kill their father-in-law. We’ve all been there – the Palin’s are just like anyone else.
For the modern day right – personal responsibility only matters so long as you keep the baby. Otherwise you can basically do whatever the heck you like. If you love guns and believe God created the world in seven days it really doesn’t matter how you live your life in practice. And if you are a right-wing public official – as long as you preach to the troglodyte caucus on abstinence, the pledge of allegiance and keeping gays from the altar then you are forgiven firing other public officials to solve your family problems or supporting the secession of your State from the union.
Please folks, it’s not like Sarah Palin has a Muslim name or anything. Her 4-month year-old son is named Trig – which is norse for “true and brave victory” or something like that. But Scandinavians and Alaskans are like us remember and they participate in regular mainstream sports like snowmobiling and dog-mushing as opposed to exotic ones like basketball (even though Mrs. Palin was a point guard on her high school team. But don’t tell anyone that – she really likes hockey better anyway).
For the modern GOP there is only one issue that matters – abortion. You could be an avowed communist but if you’re anti-choice you have a home there. What a nice and big tent of depraved hypocrisy they have created. Murphy Brown for veep. All I know is – if we lose this election I may take the right up on their gun offer and shoot myself.