If the Democrats want to win they have got to go after Sarah Palin’s equivalent to a man’s reproductive parts. She want to play with the men, then she should be fought against like she was a man.
But be careful Sarah “Trailer Park Trash” Palin may come back at you with an AK-47.
Please share widely!
A successful woman is trailer trash. You do us on the right a great service keep it up PJ. Keep it up man!
what your left is typing?
p>Just joking, of course, but you and PJ seem a match made in GOP headquarters. I’ll wait for your denial now…
It has been a surprisingly good week for the bad guys. You guys may actually get the opportunity to demonstrate for the next four years that you can screw things up even more.
Name calling is not necessary. Could you try and frame your post in say…A more strength based way?
Bristol is a permiscuous slut.
..of the “mean-spirited” Democrat. I’ve commented about it recently and you are a shining example.
p>Name calling. I’ve no time for it on either side but I read here that it’s only the Repubs who stoop so low. Feel free to place your favorite glass-house analogy here.
slutty. Some call her Bristol cream on rocks.
Thanks so much for helping me prove my point.
p>How about manners. Do you think they’re important? How about respect. Important? Propriety? Fairness?
p>You must be awfully fun to hang-out with.
Respect? Did Bristol Cream have respect for herself while shere bedded down with Levi Hockey *uck !!!!!!!!!!!! ?
Who the hell are you to comment on this girls motivation or her level of self respect. Like you, she is a private person, not running for any office. Your man Barack even asked that his minions leave her out of the debate.
p>Tell me, since you brought it up and have insight into the motivations of those whom you do not know; how much respect for herself did Barack’s mother have when she …..at age 17.
I blame Sarah and her fisherman/steelworker/snowmachining riding husband for being too busy with their own ambitions to instill in their daughter Bristol Cream that she should not screw around at 16 and that she could get pregnant.
Don’t tell me Bristol Cream got ‘with child’ the first time she had sex. Wonder if Levi Hockey *uck was her first lay.
As to being a private person, that ended as soon as Sarah Trailer Park Trash put her brood on stage.
If they can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen. And if Sarah Trailer Park Trash wins which would not surprise me [ as H.L. Menckhen said ‘ You will never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the average American’]don’t think these comments will stop. She made her bed so to speak and now she has to lay in it…….. Tough. Oh,by the way, are the Palin’s going to drag their Trailer to the Washington Observatory home of the VP if they win. Don’t think they can handle the indoor toilets of the Observatory.
…but I never thought it was relevant so I didn’t bring it up. If I’m wrong please enlighten me.
p>”…the couple married on February 2, 1961 in Maui, Hawaii.
p>On August 4, 1961, at age 18, she gave birth to her first child whom she named Barack Hussein Obama II.”
p>Barack’s Mother therefore also became pregnant before she was married.
p>Now enough of this. I’d prefer not to go down this road of “who can throw more slime”.
wasn’t running for VP.
You’re only a slut if you get pregnant when your mother is running for VP.
p>But come to think of it Sarah wasn’t running when …. but really, who cares.
Sarah Trailer Park Trash Palin was fighting teaching abstinence in schools while her daughter Bristol Cream was putting out for Levi.
Palin is a moral hypocrite. Do what I say not what my whoring daughter does. After all, she is have her boyfriend’s bastard child. What more do you want. Maybe Bristol Cream and Levi Hockey *uck will get a Double-wide.
You’ve contorted logic to the degree that I find it difficult to continue the banter. A hypocrite is someone who says “do as I say not as I do” NOT “do as I say not as someone else does”.
p>A hypocrite is someone who posts about morality and then stoops to name-calling and ridicule regarding a pregnant teenager.
p>I can’t wait to quote you when the shoe is on the other foot.
p>Oh, and yes I DO get it – you sir are a loser.
pregnant will be a miracle beyond the Virgin birth.
Rent Rabitt Test.
As to hypocrisy Sarah Trailer Park Trash Palin’s words, actions and deeds speak for themselves unless you are drinking the Republicrat Kool-Aid.
“…other foot” would relate to YOUR CANDIDATE’S child becoming pregnant – NOT YOU. Are you really that challenged or are you just trying to contort logic again?
I mean it.
Thank you.
Plus there really should be more 0’s going around on this thread even if a so called DEM is doing the name calling!