I met Sara Orozco in the spring after I responded to a call for volunteers right here on BMG. I. don’t live in her district, but I was impressed with her so I helped collect signatures for her nomination papers, held signs for her during PRIDE, marched with her in the 4th of July parade, attended her kick-off, and have been to a few house parties. She grows ever more impressive.
Governor Patrick spoke about the importance of his partnership with the legislature. He thanked some of the legislators who were at the event. He said that the legislature needed more people like Sara. People who could really make change happen. Barney Frank spoke next. He was funny and charming. He said to ignore the people who said we had too many Democrats on the hill. He said we needed to have the right kind of Democrats on the hill, the kind with the values and commitments Sara has.
Sara got up next. I held my breath for a minute. They are a hard act to follow, Patrick with his silver tongue and Frank with his wit. She soared. She spoke from her heart with conviction. She talked about quality health care, the importance of education, property tax relief, and the meals tax option.
My favorite line during the speech came when she was talking about the Life Science Bill. Sara said that her opponent didn’t support it because it didn’t bring jobs into the district. She responded by saying that she grew up on the ocean and that in her experience when the tide rises all the boats rise. She said any job in Massachusetts would be good for all of Massachusetts. That statement personifies one of the reasons I support Sara. She would be a Senator for the whole state, not just her district. She would be a Senator for all of the citizens not some she thought of as more worthy than others.
As I left the room I thought I might just have heard from three of my heroes.
It was a great event and a true sign of strength for Sara Orozco and her candidacy.
p>Check out the press release and event photos here: http://www.saraorozco.com/pressreleases-articles.htm
Peter and Dan, who are working on the campaign, are always looking for volunteers. If you’re interested you can contact them via the website: http://www.saraorozco.com/volu…
Barney Frank’s boyfriend ran an illegal house of homosexual prostitution in the same house he lived in. He claimed not to know what was going on.
p>He was reprimanded by the House of Representatives in 1990.
Typical Massachusetts liberal
He is a tax and spend liberal blowhard who got away with a crime and was reprimanded.
Bears repeating only once more, Libby.
Peace and Out.
That was many years ago and the people in his district continue to vote him into office. He now has one of the most powerful chairmanships in the House. He is a champion for justice.
Try some new talking points, won’t you?
Interesting that you find the Reaganism about tides raising all boats to be so appropos all of a sudden. Maybe there is hope for you socialists after all.
It is about all they are good at, and demonstraates that they no longe have anything constructive to say. Of course, they’ve done a good job of weakening our nation morally, economicly and militarily, with their disastrous policies.
p>I can remember the day when there were good and decent Republicans, especially here in MA.
Yeah – Barney never helped to do that now did he.
p>So now it’s name calling when you bring up the House reprimand?
p>Name calling? are you serious?
p>People will never forget the embarrassment and shame that went along with the 2 homosexual scandals involving Frank and Studds.
Everyone else has.
p>Really, you live in an alternate reality, one I wouldn’t even want to visit, let alone live in. On scandals, I wonder if you might want to revisit something more recent, like the Larry Craig scandal after which he uttered “I am not gay.”
p>And it’s people like you, using phrases like “homosexual scandal”, which keeps him so pathetically in the closet, even in the face of the embarassingly obvious reality. Barney Frank can easily brush people like yourself off, but it’s people like Larry Craig who I pity that have to deal with many, many more like you as his primary constituency. Of course Idaho was also the spawning ground for Sarah Palin, whom I’m sure you hold up as your model for this kind of ridiculosity.
JFK was saying this long before Reagan.
I voted for JFK. I answered his call for sevice and served in the Peace Corps from 1962-1964, so you don’t have to assume that I am going to somehow see him in a lesser light than I do Reagan. Let’s give them both credit for having been great presidents.
I never assumed anything of the kind. I’m just pointing out that it’s not a Reaganism.
p>But nice CYA move there. “He pointed out I was wrong, so I’m gonna somehow make him wrong and slam him for something he never said!”