Laura Rótolo, Attorney and Human Rights Fellow for the ACLU of Massachusetts, will take part in a conference this weekend called The Justice Robert Jackson Conference on the Planning for Prosecution of High Level American War Criminals. Laura writes:
The past eight years of the Bush presidency have seen a remarkable shift in many aspects of our nation’s political strategies and adherence to established laws and principles. Key among these is our government’s use of torture and kidnapping to apprehend and interrogate persons of interest all over the world.
For years, the ACLU has been at the forefront of efforts to hold our government accountable for these actions. Which is why we are excited to be part of a conference taking place this weekend in Andover, Mass., that will look at different ways of bringing high level government officials to justice. The conference is free to the public, and the information can be found at Hope to see you there!
If he hadn’t given Cheney the twisted, amoral junk justifications that Cheney wanted, another jerk would probably have been summoned before the throne to take up the sordid task. Yoo was certainly a willing accomplice, nonetheless.
They would be more than justified in letting him go- it’s been their choice to keep him on, which says something about them.
y’all are crazee
The fact that these crimes are truly going on is part of why America’s moral standing in the world is going down the drain.
p>Here’s detail.