to your joke review. Here…
Is this the new kind of politics the Messiah is talking about?
Fills me with “hope” and “Yes we can!”
“In Alaska, a political activist is trying to get Sarah Palin to release over 1,000 e-mails that she’s withholding from public records. She won’t release them. Yeah. Apparently, several of the e-mails went unanswered and have the subject line ‘Mom, I need to talk to you about birth control.'” –Conan O’Brien
p>But my personal favorite was this one:
“A weird thing came out of the John McCain campaign. An adviser to John McCain … claimed today, just a couple of hours ago, that McCain helped create the BlackBerry. That’s what he said, yeah. Or, as McCain calls it, ‘the fancy garage door opener.'” –Conan O’Brien
p>But thanks for sharing!
Although I’ve never quite forgiven her for having that fake relationship with Madonna (but then again maybe that shows discernment, not truly getting into it with The Madrona…), I must admit that she gives good attitude and doesn’t apologize for being a lesbian or a Jew.
p>But what I really find hilarious is that Jack12 made sure he watched, even after the rude language warning at the beginning of the video. Reminds me a lot of Brian Camenker going to LGBT events to “report” and coming out with rolls of exposed film. Or better yet, Peter LaBarbara, the Camenker colleague from Illinois, who goes to all those gay leather and S/M events under cover. You know, to do research. OMG, cracks me up!
We all have our part to play, even if it is just republishing old jokes 🙂
Careful of computer savvy elitism, now, she’s a hockey mom.
Directly from the Simpson’s. Little did we know that the GOP would select Gram pa from the Simpson’s (John Mc Cain) as their presidential nominee and he would be cantankerous enough to pick Ned’s wife (Sarah Palin) as his running mate!
p>John McCain deserves all of our respect for being a fighter and prisoner during the Vietnam War, but that doesn’t excuse him to be reckless today!
p>The petulant child rides again!
p>Go Gram pa and Ned’s Wife?
p>Keating Five?
p>Senate Commerce Committee chairman who doesn’t know anything about economics?
p>Right-wing Republican in U.S. Senate?
p>Ninety percent voting record for Bush agenda?
p>Alaska abuse of power?
p>Library fiasco? Burn the books?
p>Ted Stevens fan?
p>Bridge to nowhere?
p>E-mails to mom?
p>Drill baby drill!?!
p>Four more years! Four more years! Four more years!
Bit redundant aren’t we.
So, democrats are sexists.
Joe NoBiden is an obtuse or inconsiderate jerk for telling a wheelchair user to stand up!
Change is good. Lets do it with our communistic state legistature.
You’re right. Daniel Inouye is another laughable democrat. But I think he’s left wing if anything.
We can’t all be perfect like you. Ok, perfect idiot.
Casinos, civillian flagmen, Pike cutbacks? Disneyland north will happen sooner than that. Your communistic state legislature is not about to fire their friends and relatives.
Kerry fan?
Big dig?
Wife’s appointment secretary? Cadillac.
No family e-mails? You’re too lonely.
Wind farms. It will spoil Ted K’s view. no go.
Better than six with that out of touch elitist we currently have for a senator (Kerry)
p> Jeff Beatty for U.S. Senate
p>This is too easy. My responses are at least fact based.
Joe NoBiden is an obtuse or inconsiderate jerk for telling a wheelchair user to stand up!
p>Sort of like the day Bush chided a blind man to take off his sunglasses?
Either that, or I was lazy. 😉 Probably both. 😛
This… is beyond belief…incredibly funny…the critics love it!
Perfect for “uniting” America! ” Together we can!”
I think I’m going to be sick.
Perhaps in a similar fashion to the way the Bush administration has made our financial system ill through incompetence and self-serving mediocrities in positions of importance (starting with the Chief Executive). Choose change, instead of four more years of the same pitiful GOP inadequacies, and you’ll feel better. That’s my advice.
decent people aren’t totally outraged by the raw sewerage and hate that is pouring out of the left. I can only imagine the outrage that would heard if this disgusting Sandra Bernhard creature was saying this about Hilary Clinton or any Dem for that matter.. But that’s OK. It merely reinforces the image of the “party of personal attack and mindless hate” which produces a new MCcain voter with each new disgusting rant from the likes of Ms Bernhard
p>As to change, do we also get to get rid of the failed Democrat controlled Congress that has been in power for the past 2 years?
Can we get rid of “incompetence and self-serving mediocrities in positions of importance ” such as Nancy Pelosi and Harry “No one knows what to do so let’s adjorn” Reid? While we’re changing things can we get rid of criminal tax cheats like Charles Rangel? Can we change the Congress with the lowest approval ratings in the history of the United States? maybe then I’ll feel better.
Uh huh.
is that the only people watching that are people who want to seize upon it as an example to stereotype anybody who wants to vote for Obama instead of McCain as the same people who would laugh at this.
Sandra freaking Bernhard..speaks for the left……
what about that guy who shot people in church in Tennessee for being liberal, does he speak for the right? is he a reason to vote for obama.
p>please respond with what you think of that and if you still think that Sandra Bernhard speaks for the left but this man doesn’t speak for the right.
p>I am so sick of people manufacturing this crap and acting outraged.
Got the difference Rio? or is that a little tough to grasp?
As I said, enjoy that low road that runs just above the sewer and keep up the hate, slander and personal attacks on Palin. It’s better than free campaign ads for McCain. Maybe the army of Obama lawyer droids dispatched to Alaska will come up with some new smut or horror like her kid complained that Sarah didn’t put enough peanut butter in her sandwich. Seriously, the lefties are playing right into McCains hands with the smears and hate. I’m Lmao!
a random not so famous comedian makes fun of a VP canidate and its a hate crime because she made fun of a VICE PRESIDENT CANIDATE
p>shoot people because of their political views, meaningless, because the pople you shot ARE NOT VP CANIDATES
p>I get it now, thanks Jack!!
p>OK everybody, its ok to shoot liberals that aren’t running for office but it is NOT OK to make fun of a VP canidate in a distasteful manner
p>aiiieeee, people are just getting dumber lately…
p>Jack, get this, Sandra bernhard is a whackjob. She doesn’t speak for anybody but herself. There are people everywhere that are nutjobs…what about those guys who had planned to assinate Obama? See? Whackjobs right?
p>If you wanted to make an intelligent arguement, use Reverand Wright or someone actually associated with Obama.
know it just seams like its full of Sean Hannitys and Keith Olbermanns…….
p>I use to like to hear people talk about policy and legislation and news, now I come on and see this crap about what Sandra Bernhard(who I had to google to find out who she is)said
p>for every example of something stupid said or done by someone who leans politically left, there is always a stupid thing said or done by someone who leans politically right….because whichever people lean, they’re still a lot of stupid people out there.
p>i didn’t come on here to defend Bernhard, (in fact I thought that was disgusting) just to point out how stupid it is to even bring her up in conversation when we are in the current economic crisis and a presidential election…
you ARE in a joke diary. Do you really want to get upset at lack of gravity here?
my bad, I just got bummed out I found myself having to defend the left from all being categorized as Sandra Bernhard
funny and when offered in reasonably good taste problem be they partisan or not. The point I was trying to make is that there are some incredibly offensive and disgusting “material” out there and nobody is objecting to it as long as it is aimed at conservatives.
human nature is that the person who is offended objects to it the most…like a distasteful racial joke said by one person isn’t an example that the former person’s race are all racists
the internet today including two links on Drudge. This the ole turd crashing through Palin’s window and when you look, all the lefties are whistling with their hands behind their back. How about a statement from the Obama campaign that a “gang rape of Palin by black brothers” is incredibly tasteless and disgusting and that such sewerage is hurting his campaign? The silence is deafening.
In fact, the number of incredibly tasteless personal attacks on Palin by the rabid left is astonishing. In the absence of any condemnation by Obama, one can only assume that it’s “OK” for the mindless hate filled rabid attack dogs to continue to ravage Palin. Like I said, the American people are getting a good close look at the left’s boiling hatred and fear of this woman and it’s not doing Mr Obama any good by a long shot. I’m sure mr. Mccain appreciates the new votes.
if people base their decision on who to vote for President on what Sandra Bernhard said…they are doing this country a disservice.
p>You are right about Sandra Bernhard saying vile things, but people can see through this mock outrage and see that some people are glad this came out and are purposely making it an issue
p>isn’t it ironic that here on a progressive website, there are tons of jokes on Palin and MCCain and you can’t use a single one of them as evidence of your theory of the ” left’s boiling hatred “?
p>So you know what you use? A joke thats on the Drudge report.
p>people aren’t stupid.
and I never saw any mention of Bernhard until I read this thread. Maybe it’s because I don’t waste my time reading the Sludge Report. It’s not “all over the internet.”
campus server only delivers Daily Kos material and that one of THE most popular and UNBIASED news websites on the planet (Drudge report) is somehow not available.
you’d know that it is not a “report” at all. Rather, it is a handy central reference source for current articles woldwide from BOTH the liberal and conservative viewpoints. The Drudge Report is totally apolitical and includes an extensive list of clebrities and authors from BOTH viewpoints. If you go take a look before you bash, you might figure this out. Look first, engage brain THEN LOL if appropriate. If anything is laughable, it’s referring to Drudge as “biased”
Media Matters is an incredibly biased, left wing bash machine. You tell us that Drudge is biased and then offer the droppings of a bash machine second only to Daily Kos as proof? of anything? LMAO! I didn’t expect to see anything from AP, WSJ or any of the few remaining credible News outlets but Media Matters? friggin hilarious! Thanks for the comedy!
Prepare your illogical reply and rant on. No reply from me as this is a total waste of time.
Their knickers are still in a twist over Drudge breaking the story that Newsweek was attempting to spike Isikoff’s investigative piece that scandalized and disgraced the Presidency of Bill Clinton.
p>As if someone else wasn’t going to get hold of it.
p>They’ll hate him forever for doing the exact thing that most liberal bloggers are trying to do on a daily basis.
… for what she’s said, its not because liberals are pushing the link around the internet, its because the pundits going to bat for the GOP must insist on their status as victims in order to keep the those beyond the 28% energized about something. I haven’t even heard about this clip until a righty brought it up, who in turn didn’t hear about it until a righty brought it up, who in turn didn’t… and so on.
Let’s end the crap and get to the issues.
Besides giving every American a check for $1000 bucks that will most likely be used to buy a new Asian made big screen TV, what IS Mr Obama’s PLAN ? Does anybody have a clue what the “details” are? I sure don’t know what they are. Can someone enlighten me?
Just a guess. 😛
“ba dump bump”
p>this is a joke diary, after all. 🙂
Check it out, it’s McCains new campaign ad created by George W. Bush.
to your joke review. Here…
Is this the new kind of politics the Messiah is talking about?
Fills me with “hope” and “Yes we can!”
For example:
p>But my personal favorite was this one:
p>But thanks for sharing!
Although I’ve never quite forgiven her for having that fake relationship with Madonna (but then again maybe that shows discernment, not truly getting into it with The Madrona…), I must admit that she gives good attitude and doesn’t apologize for being a lesbian or a Jew.
p>But what I really find hilarious is that Jack12 made sure he watched, even after the rude language warning at the beginning of the video. Reminds me a lot of Brian Camenker going to LGBT events to “report” and coming out with rolls of exposed film. Or better yet, Peter LaBarbara, the Camenker colleague from Illinois, who goes to all those gay leather and S/M events under cover. You know, to do research. OMG, cracks me up!
… What part of
p>is either A) funny? or 2) relevant? Sandra Bernhardt doesn’t like Sarah Palin? BFD? What does that have to do with anything?
p>Seriously? Somebody disses on Sarah Palin and it’s supposed to be news?
…what we’re hearing from the liberal echo chambers these days.
p>And such a hottie, too.
Keep ’em coming!
We all have our part to play, even if it is just republishing old jokes 🙂
Careful of computer savvy elitism, now, she’s a hockey mom.
Directly from the Simpson’s. Little did we know that the GOP would select Gram pa from the Simpson’s (John Mc Cain) as their presidential nominee and he would be cantankerous enough to pick Ned’s wife (Sarah Palin) as his running mate!
p>John McCain deserves all of our respect for being a fighter and prisoner during the Vietnam War, but that doesn’t excuse him to be reckless today!
p>The petulant child rides again!
p>Go Gram pa and Ned’s Wife?
p>Keating Five?
p>Senate Commerce Committee chairman who doesn’t know anything about economics?
p>Right-wing Republican in U.S. Senate?
p>Ninety percent voting record for Bush agenda?
p>Alaska abuse of power?
p>Library fiasco? Burn the books?
p>Ted Stevens fan?
p>Bridge to nowhere?
p>E-mails to mom?
p>Drill baby drill!?!
p>Four more years! Four more years! Four more years!
Bit redundant aren’t we.
So, democrats are sexists.
Joe NoBiden is an obtuse or inconsiderate jerk for telling a wheelchair user to stand up!
Change is good. Lets do it with our communistic state legistature.
You’re right. Daniel Inouye is another laughable democrat. But I think he’s left wing if anything.
We can’t all be perfect like you. Ok, perfect idiot.
Casinos, civillian flagmen, Pike cutbacks? Disneyland north will happen sooner than that. Your communistic state legislature is not about to fire their friends and relatives.
Kerry fan?
Big dig?
Wife’s appointment secretary? Cadillac.
No family e-mails? You’re too lonely.
Wind farms. It will spoil Ted K’s view. no go.
Better than six with that out of touch elitist we currently have for a senator (Kerry)
p> Jeff Beatty for U.S. Senate
p>This is too easy. My responses are at least fact based.
p>Sort of like the day Bush chided a blind man to take off his sunglasses?
They come fast and furious…Just posted this at LiL.
I’m shocked that you didn’t include the image! So I did it for you. Great find.
Either that, or I was lazy. 😉 Probably both. 😛
This… is beyond belief…incredibly funny…the critics love it!
Perfect for “uniting” America! ” Together we can!”
I think I’m going to be sick.
Perhaps in a similar fashion to the way the Bush administration has made our financial system ill through incompetence and self-serving mediocrities in positions of importance (starting with the Chief Executive). Choose change, instead of four more years of the same pitiful GOP inadequacies, and you’ll feel better. That’s my advice.
decent people aren’t totally outraged by the raw sewerage and hate that is pouring out of the left. I can only imagine the outrage that would heard if this disgusting Sandra Bernhard creature was saying this about Hilary Clinton or any Dem for that matter.. But that’s OK. It merely reinforces the image of the “party of personal attack and mindless hate” which produces a new MCcain voter with each new disgusting rant from the likes of Ms Bernhard
p>As to change, do we also get to get rid of the failed Democrat controlled Congress that has been in power for the past 2 years?
Can we get rid of “incompetence and self-serving mediocrities in positions of importance ” such as Nancy Pelosi and Harry “No one knows what to do so let’s adjorn” Reid? While we’re changing things can we get rid of criminal tax cheats like Charles Rangel? Can we change the Congress with the lowest approval ratings in the history of the United States? maybe then I’ll feel better.
Uh huh.
is that the only people watching that are people who want to seize upon it as an example to stereotype anybody who wants to vote for Obama instead of McCain as the same people who would laugh at this.
Sandra freaking Bernhard..speaks for the left……
what about that guy who shot people in church in Tennessee for being liberal, does he speak for the right? is he a reason to vote for obama.
p>please respond with what you think of that and if you still think that Sandra Bernhard speaks for the left but this man doesn’t speak for the right.
p>I am so sick of people manufacturing this crap and acting outraged.
Got the difference Rio? or is that a little tough to grasp?
As I said, enjoy that low road that runs just above the sewer and keep up the hate, slander and personal attacks on Palin. It’s better than free campaign ads for McCain. Maybe the army of Obama lawyer droids dispatched to Alaska will come up with some new smut or horror like her kid complained that Sarah didn’t put enough peanut butter in her sandwich. Seriously, the lefties are playing right into McCains hands with the smears and hate. I’m Lmao!
a random not so famous comedian makes fun of a VP canidate and its a hate crime because she made fun of a VICE PRESIDENT CANIDATE
p>shoot people because of their political views, meaningless, because the pople you shot ARE NOT VP CANIDATES
p>I get it now, thanks Jack!!
p>OK everybody, its ok to shoot liberals that aren’t running for office but it is NOT OK to make fun of a VP canidate in a distasteful manner
p>aiiieeee, people are just getting dumber lately…
p>Jack, get this, Sandra bernhard is a whackjob. She doesn’t speak for anybody but herself. There are people everywhere that are nutjobs…what about those guys who had planned to assinate Obama? See? Whackjobs right?
p>If you wanted to make an intelligent arguement, use Reverand Wright or someone actually associated with Obama.
know it just seams like its full of Sean Hannitys and Keith Olbermanns…….
p>I use to like to hear people talk about policy and legislation and news, now I come on and see this crap about what Sandra Bernhard(who I had to google to find out who she is)said
p>for every example of something stupid said or done by someone who leans politically left, there is always a stupid thing said or done by someone who leans politically right….because whichever people lean, they’re still a lot of stupid people out there.
p>i didn’t come on here to defend Bernhard, (in fact I thought that was disgusting) just to point out how stupid it is to even bring her up in conversation when we are in the current economic crisis and a presidential election…
you ARE in a joke diary. Do you really want to get upset at lack of gravity here?
my bad, I just got bummed out I found myself having to defend the left from all being categorized as Sandra Bernhard
funny and when offered in reasonably good taste problem be they partisan or not. The point I was trying to make is that there are some incredibly offensive and disgusting “material” out there and nobody is objecting to it as long as it is aimed at conservatives.
human nature is that the person who is offended objects to it the most…like a distasteful racial joke said by one person isn’t an example that the former person’s race are all racists
the internet today including two links on Drudge. This the ole turd crashing through Palin’s window and when you look, all the lefties are whistling with their hands behind their back. How about a statement from the Obama campaign that a “gang rape of Palin by black brothers” is incredibly tasteless and disgusting and that such sewerage is hurting his campaign? The silence is deafening.
In fact, the number of incredibly tasteless personal attacks on Palin by the rabid left is astonishing. In the absence of any condemnation by Obama, one can only assume that it’s “OK” for the mindless hate filled rabid attack dogs to continue to ravage Palin. Like I said, the American people are getting a good close look at the left’s boiling hatred and fear of this woman and it’s not doing Mr Obama any good by a long shot. I’m sure mr. Mccain appreciates the new votes.
if people base their decision on who to vote for President on what Sandra Bernhard said…they are doing this country a disservice.
p>You are right about Sandra Bernhard saying vile things, but people can see through this mock outrage and see that some people are glad this came out and are purposely making it an issue
p>isn’t it ironic that here on a progressive website, there are tons of jokes on Palin and MCCain and you can’t use a single one of them as evidence of your theory of the ” left’s boiling hatred “?
p>So you know what you use? A joke thats on the Drudge report.
p>people aren’t stupid.
and I never saw any mention of Bernhard until I read this thread. Maybe it’s because I don’t waste my time reading the Sludge Report. It’s not “all over the internet.”
campus server only delivers Daily Kos material and that one of THE most popular and UNBIASED news websites on the planet (Drudge report) is somehow not available.
…. Drudge… lol… unbiased… lol…
you’d know that it is not a “report” at all. Rather, it is a handy central reference source for current articles woldwide from BOTH the liberal and conservative viewpoints. The Drudge Report is totally apolitical and includes an extensive list of clebrities and authors from BOTH viewpoints. If you go take a look before you bash, you might figure this out. Look first, engage brain THEN LOL if appropriate. If anything is laughable, it’s referring to Drudge as “biased”
… seriously… lol… (gasp)… lol… aaaapolitcal!…. mwuahahahaha… lol… you slay me… lol…
Give us a specific example of Drudge bias….we”re waiting so we can begin to laugh like mindless uninformed hyenas too
Drudge makes stuff up…
p>Drudge invents media meme out of wholecloth…
p>and again…
p>Drudge fabricates media meme on MSM’s victimisation of GOP…
p>Drudge makes up stuff to make Reagan fans feel better…
p>Drudge bottom feeds on a link nobody else would touch…
p>Drudge bolsters fictional theme…
Media Matters is an incredibly biased, left wing bash machine. You tell us that Drudge is biased and then offer the droppings of a bash machine second only to Daily Kos as proof? of anything? LMAO! I didn’t expect to see anything from AP, WSJ or any of the few remaining credible News outlets but Media Matters? friggin hilarious! Thanks for the comedy!
Prepare your illogical reply and rant on. No reply from me as this is a total waste of time.
Their knickers are still in a twist over Drudge breaking the story that Newsweek was attempting to spike Isikoff’s investigative piece that scandalized and disgraced the Presidency of Bill Clinton.
p>As if someone else wasn’t going to get hold of it.
p>They’ll hate him forever for doing the exact thing that most liberal bloggers are trying to do on a daily basis.
… for what she’s said, its not because liberals are pushing the link around the internet, its because the pundits going to bat for the GOP must insist on their status as victims in order to keep the those beyond the 28% energized about something. I haven’t even heard about this clip until a righty brought it up, who in turn didn’t hear about it until a righty brought it up, who in turn didn’t… and so on.
Let’s end the crap and get to the issues.
Besides giving every American a check for $1000 bucks that will most likely be used to buy a new Asian made big screen TV, what IS Mr Obama’s PLAN ? Does anybody have a clue what the “details” are? I sure don’t know what they are. Can someone enlighten me?
Just a guess. 😛
“ba dump bump”
p>this is a joke diary, after all. 🙂
Check it out, it’s McCains new campaign ad created by George W. Bush.
Since the author admitted to basing it at least in part on a desire to rib me, it seems only fair to give it a proper forum. 🙂
funny but true
The guy has a Latin American-sounding last name, and leads a country that is not anywhere near Alaska. How’s a man to know?