The racial bigot, Jay Severin,nee, James Severino, the afternoon knee JERK Right Wing NUT on WTKK is formenting a race riot. His commercial promotions on Greater Media’s owned WTKK have him saying that there will be a Black race war if Barack Obama loses the race for President.
Perhaps, there will be a race war but it just might be the White WASPS from Kansas who represent the other side of gene structure who take to the ramparts if he loses.
Jay Severin would like blood in the streets. What some radicals will not do for ratings.
Hope Severin is as wrong here as he was in his presidential predictions. Severin said his “friend” Willard Mitt Romney would be the Republicrat nominee and Hillary Rodham Clinton the “Democrat” and that Willard would win. [Insert belly laugh now………..]
WTTK’s Jay Severin Fomenting Race War On Radio
Please share widely!
There has to be some accountability. Do we need to have a riot to remove these lying jerks from their microphones. Where is the FCC? Blatant misinformation designed to deceive the general public is simply unacceptable. I heard that jerk yesterday pass on to his audience some crap that is bouncing around the Republican Noise Machine: “Palin got more votes for mayor than Biden got for President.” Yeah, it has that truthiness to it – that’s all that matters to them – but it is dead wrong. All they are really doing is killing civilization. Death by a thousand lies.
You have more than 2000 daily readers of BMG…organize amovement that pressures the advertisers of Severin’s show to not advertise on the show. Have people call and write (very politiely and professionally) to these businesses telling them that you, your family and friends won’t be buying their products or services and you’ll be doing business with X competitor.
p>That will shake things up. And if the contact is by letter or email, CC the sales dept or sales manager at WTTK–that will get even more attention.
p>If course the probem is Jimmy Severino has a contract and if by chance the boycott is successful (no advertisers / no Jay) and they fire Jay, no doubt Jay will still have to get paid.
p>The FCC is a waste of time…you want to make an impact…follow the money and in radio (and most media) it’s all about making advertisers happy.
You don’t agree with Severin and your response is censorship or violence? Are those the only two choices? You are the same as the people you complain about.
,,,except indirectly Jay Servin
In this case it has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing with him, it is his lying that does the most damage to society. Who do you trust?
That’s for sure……..Grace Balser et al and Peter Smythe the President of Greater Media have sold out to the Right wing nuts for ‘ fun and profit’ and so you have the like of Michael Graham ‘Cracker’ and Jay [ don’t call me James Severino – married with two daughters] Severin aka the Bigot. Remember, Severin is the one who calls Governor Patrick’s monthly appearance on WTKK “AXE, The Governor” and not what it is “ASK, The Governor”.
All Severin is missing is his white sheet which he sent off to the Gambino family laundry for cleaning… you know how difficult it is to get blood stains out after a lynching.
For those of you whining instead of changing the dial, have you ever listened to Air America and the grotesquely serious George Bush hating crowd? Evidently not. They are the most vile and hateful bunch I have ever heard. Jay has made me cringe many times but he pales in comparison to those folks.
p>Companies have to make money. If putting liberals on the radio in Boston doesn’t make money then too bad for you. Get satellite radio and you can hear all the progressive, now there’s a euphemism, radio you want.
An anal sphincter.
Severin is a bigot for his stupid AXE joke, but you are “enlightened” for your observation that Italians are apparently bigots. I guess some forms of bigotry are just more acceptable than others.
I’m curious: you are pointing out that Severin is apparently Italian for what reason? Bigotry comes in many forms, but I guess some are more “acceptable” than others.
From the NY Times Sunday list of weddings:
Sometimes I will turn on WTKK and Mr. “Severin.” He is a political analyst. On the occasions that he is using his experience to make a commentary on strategy, I will listen. If the talk is distateful, I change the station.
p>If you like the guy, listen and spend money with his advertisers. If you hate the guy, don’t listen.
A Bigot. No hidden agenda in the fact that he changed his name so as not to sound Italian. There are a lot of people of Italian decent who are bigots as there are lots of every ethnic groups who are bigots. Severin(o) just happens to be on WTKK.
By the way, the home office of WTTKK owner, Greater Media, Inc. is located in Braintree. The Patriot Ledger just did a piece on its president. I think the guy’s name is Peter Smyth. A direct call to him might be appropriate since one of his talk show host is encouraging rioting in the street.
p>Does Greater Media, Inc. of Braintree want to be known for fostering riots?
for the left to play the race card all the time when people’s minds are going to focus more on where the next meal is coming from or how much they are going to freeze this winter.
p>Not to worry though, the Illuminati has already selected Obama
Whether it is Jay, Rush, Al Franken, Jim Braude… doesn’t matter. What happened to freedom of Speech? What happened to people with dissenting views being heard? A few people have commented here about simply changing the station if you don’t like him. Why is Al Franken off the air… NOBODY LISTENED TO HIM.
p>I HATE Keith Oberman with a passion but I’m not for having him removed from the air no matter how asinine, hypocritical, moronic or ideologically opposed his pathetic speech is. Are you people American? Go ask Alan Dershowitz (certainly a lefty liberal) what we should do. He may explain his support of the Nazis being able to march in Skokie years ago. He understands that if you really believe in the First Amendment you will support free speech no matter how heinous you believe it to be.
p>Anybody advocating otherwise should remember how the nazies tried to ban free speech before WWII. I have often heard that fascism and socialism are not on opposite ends of the spectrum, but in fact the spectrum is a full circle where the farther you go in either direction you will eventually end up in the same place.
… claim to want to revoke Severin’s free speech rights?
Liberals are Nazis now?!!!
p>How do you feel about Sarah Palin’s book banning efforts?
How do you feel about McCain-Feingold’s effect on free speech?
Keith Olbermann has never encouraged that there be riots in the street and suggested as has Jay Severin that his opponents are so uncivilized that if they lose they will riot in the street. Maybe, the Palin supporters will riot in their fundamentalist bunt rallies…you know Jews deserve what they get because they are not Christians… but Olbermann has never suggested that they will riot in the streets if they lose.
Severin is a bigot pure and sadly simple.