Please take a couple of minutes to read this:…
If anyone on the Globe staff could write half as well—nay a quarter as well–I’d stop criticizing them immediately (well maybe not completely).
Please share widely!
Reality-based commentary on politics.
Hard to get all excited about such a concept. I only get that warm fuzzy feeling about that idea when I am left to do it for myself.
How will the supposed software work? Will it be easily programable so that people will be left to read only points of view from people who exactly share the same point of view, leaving the senses numb and the perpetual cycle of self assurance in place?
Hmm … no thanks
we were plenty dumb and mean before the internet. “My Filter” (copyright Dan Farnkoff 2009) would delete poor Aaron Sorkin’s comment from the public discourse as unverifiable, baseless, and incorrect- which is why filters in general are bad for free speech.
Team of Rivals (About Lincoln and his cabinet), she reproduces some of the newspaper quotes from Lincoln’s time.
p>The stuff we read today is tame in comparison.
p>No I think we should read all the points of view it makes for a healthier debate and a better informed citizenry. Now I really wish that our house and senate had actual debates instead of fundraising…
while data mining is routine they will hold your every transgression against you.…