Hey, remember how last night Senator McCain called Senator Obama “that one”? Like many of you, I immediately rushed to BMG expecting to see our friend EaBoClipper tear John Mccain a new one for such a crass display of gamesmanship. After all, it was EaBo who lead the charge against Niki Tsongas when she called Lt. Colonel Jim Ogonowski the almost unspeakable epithet, “my Republican opponent”, during the 2007 MA-05 special Congressional elections!
Let’s take a look at some Eabo snippets from this classic September 2007 thread:
Ms. Tsongas did not treat Mr. Ogonowsi with Respect (4.33 / 3)
She would not call him by name. She called him “My Republican Opponent” as reported by the Lawrence eagle tribune. There is nothing more disrespectful than not calling your opponent by name. It is a cheap political stunt. One I can understand, because Niki Tsongas can’t beat Jim Ogonowski, but thinks she can beat “her Republican Opponent.” It was a calculated disrespectful move….Not using Jim Ogonowski’s name (4.50 / 4)
at all is disrespectful beyond belief, raj. And you know it. Jim Ogonowski has a name. All Niki’s stunt goes to show is that she knows that she cannot beat Jim Ogonowski and has to paint him as a boogey man in order to win this election….It’s rude, and arrogant.
Our blog and our country yearn for the fair-handed voice of EaBoClipper to talk sense to John McCain and help restore dignity to his campaign. Eabo, confront this GOP Presidential candidate who has clearly lost his manners and is “disrespectful beyond belief” and grace us with a clear-minded polemic against this ultimate McCain transgression. Help save American politics for future generations!
Never again. Not on our watch.
Makes no difference. Zogby states that Obama is pulling away from McCain with a blistering two point lead. The entire country obviously is taking notice of the “annointed” and are overwhelmingly in favor of his election.
p>Man—-is this pathetic. Just step back, take off the rose colored glasses and look at this election. It’s pathetic. An empty suit and a man who should be enjoying fishing and a nice sunset somewhere.
p>Hillary Clinton was a dream candidate compared to this buffoon.
p>Hang on folks—-the next four years are going to be a wild ride.
and Obama beat Hillary by 10% in NH. That’s the best you can do, picking Zogby? Maybe check the Fox Online poll, McCain might be winning! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
p>Hey, it’s not just a river in Egypt…
p>Daily tracking composite is Obama 49.7%, McCain 43.2%
Polls showing Nobama leading are totally true, and other polls are crackpots. The biggest factor that wasn’t factored in was the college students were still on winter break. Yes you guys really are Cleopatrs’s husband.
Posters on this and other sites have been consistent in pointing out that Zogby polls are crap, even when they say what we want to hear.
p>Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is? If you really think that most pollsters are wrong, you should be able to clean up on Intrade.
Senator Obama had a very tough primary where he had to beat the obvious party and media favorite. Go back and read anything from November 2004 until the end of 2006, there were articles everywhere that how Hillary Clinton’s career had led her to the moment when she would be the nominee. You diminish Clinton’s accomplishments and political skill if you do not credit Obama with a very surprising win.
p>You could also rewatch yesterday’s debate and see that he was able to give inspiring, detailed answers to questions. Unlike McCain, he did speak to the fact that people might have to sacrifice. Given the nature of the problems before him, he has the temperament and the creativity to preside over an FDR like Presidency – where we might have to try many solutions to find things that get us back on track.
p>(I haven’t actually ever seen a positive post from you, so I have no idea who would impress you.)
Reportedly Alice Palmer, the woman who initiated and set in motion the first meeting, denies doing so. Now she claims that she was invited as a guest. So everyone is now pointing fingers everywhere and no one is responsible for anything—-which is sooooo uncommon. Nobody knows William Ayers. William Ayers just happened to pick Obama’s name out of a hat and then gave him 50 million dollars for the “utes” of Chicago to explore their inner selves. Barak Obama has no idea how he came to receive the money through Ayers. Nobody knows nothin. AND—-as notorious and infamous as Ayers and Dohrn were—-no one knew their past.
This is actually becoming quite comical.
to give away? You’re just making shit up, aren’t you?
I’ll give you a slight connection between Ayers and Obama if you give me the definitive connection between Rumsfeld and Saddam Hussein.
p>Hm? wassat? Izzit time to switch to talking out the other side yo face now, boyfriend…?
p>Bush Senior ‘palling around’ with Manuel Noriega didn’t seem to be much of a problem for you republicans back inna day, huh? Or does it bother you so much you still can’t talk about it… ?
p>Or Ollie North slipping the hot missiles of luv to the Iranians… not a problem for you then? But Obama has coffee with a free man with a past, Problem?
p>Ya’ll oughtta shut it: Cause if Obama is a terrorist by ties to Ayers then John Insain is crook by his ties to Keating. simpull az dat!!! SNAP!
p>Hey… you’re the one using the low low burden of proof…
Obama won a very close vote. I still don’t see you saying anything positive about anyone.
MCRD is a troll’s troll. If HRC were the VP candidate, he’d be singing a very different tune.
McCain didn’t say “my treasonous friend over here” or “the terrorist in our midst” or “Senator Hussein Obama”. We should be thankful that McCain checked all of this at the door before he entered the room. “That one” sounds downright pleasant in comparison.
He did.
I thought it had been 10,000 hours since EaBo had posted here. Then I had somebody look at my figures, and he informed me that I had overestimated by just a couple hundred.
Do you mean the guy who thought the Chelmsford Market Basket was his entire district. That was the only place they BOTHERED to collect signatures. By bother, I mean exactly that. When they’re hitting the same place repeatedly, that is bothersome.
Wasn’t it suggested on this very same forum that Joe ignore Sarah? Sorry, I forgot. Democrats are entitled.
Got that one backwards, bill.
Unless I read it here. I appreciate the good folks allowing me to express my views. RMG is boring, and some of their views are too extreme for me. It’s ok to laugh now, but I mean it.
I never interpreted anyone here to mean that Biden should literally ignore Palin. But rather that he should do exactly what both of them went on to do – attack the other one’s running mate. They were ostensibly debating each other, and neither ignored the other… but in actuality Biden spent more time attacking McCain, and Palin attacked Obama.
p>Which was how I interpreted the “ignore” comments around here.
p>Now, if you have something that indicates somebody actually meant it literally, then I’ll freely admit to being wrong or having overlooked it. But I’m still certain that most people here didn’t mean it literally.