I haven’t been keeping close track, but from what I’ve seen, no Mass. newspaper has taken the same position as the MetroWest Daily News on the ballot questions: No on 1, Yes on 2, Yes on 3.
I’ve got more details at Holmes & Co.
Please share widely!
We could try to have a complete set, a newspaper (or person) for each of the eight possible opinions on the three ballet questions.
YesYesYesExtreme libertarians
YesYesNoPot-smoking Republicans who like dog races
YesNoYesDog-owning Republicans who hate pot
NoYesYesLiberals who love dogs
NoYesNoLibertarian liberals
NoNoYesAdvocates of the nanny state
NoNoNoSycophantic Boston Globe readers
You’re right.
p>I was thinking I’d have to amend this one eventually.
YesYesYesLibertarians except when it comes to dogs
YesYesNoExtreme libertarians
YesNoYesDog-owning Republicans who hate pot
NoYesYesLiberals who love dogs
NoYesNoLibertarian liberals
NoNoYesAdvocates of the nanny state
NoNoNoSycophantic Boston Globe readers