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A reckless and opportunistic renegade supporter.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette was running this story at 10:48 a.m. It was on the Boston Globe website early this afternoon.
Ashley Todd, a 20-year-old college student from College Station, Texas, center, is led from Pittsburgh Police Headquarters by detectives in Pittsburgh, Friday, Oct. 24, 2008. Todd, who had told police that she was robbed at knife point, knocked to the ground by an assailant who scratched a backward letter “B” into her face with a dull knife, told investigators on Friday she had made up the story, police said. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic)
p>No matter. At 6:30 this evening, guess who was on the radio, race-baiting over the Obama supporter who cut the backwards B into the cheek of a McCain supporter?
Jay Severin. Of course.
Jonathan Martin passed along this sludge eight hours ago, and has added more posts on his blog. Nowhere does he mention that this was a lie.
p>As for the lady herself, I wish her well. She’s clearly beset with mental health issues, and I hope she gets the treatment she clearly needs.
Would you be willing to amend to
p>”While I hope she is prosecuted for her false report about a phantom black guy who carved a B into her face…
p>….and while she seemed to be able to distinguish right from wrong (as evidenced as her various forms of misleading the cops)…..
p>….I hope that her temporary mental impairment is considered a mitigating factor during her trial or plea bargain, and when she serves jail time, she also gets the treatment she needs.”
… would be political fall out if she actually served time.
This political squall isn’t as important as her long-term health, but certainly she should be held responsible for the consequences of her actions. Frankly, when I saw this story, the first thing I remembered vis-a-vis the backwards B was the backwards swastika Geraldo drew on his face before claiming he’d been assaulted.
p>And here is some reporting from TPM on how the McCain campaign initiated the theme that “B” stood for “Barack”:
p>Let the woman face the consequences of her actions, but I agree with sabutai that she is small potatoes and it I hope she gets help and turns her life around. The biggest culprit is any and everyone associated with the McCain campaign who has spread this rumor or worked to cover up the campaign’s willingness to use this incident to incite racial outrage and possibly violence for the purpose of gaining votes.
I thought of was this