Here’s the first image of Barack Obama in his 30-minute infobamamercial:
Now, where have I seen a political ad that looks something like that before? Oh yeah —
I’m being a tad tongue-in-cheek here. But I did notice it immediately.
Please share widely!
geo999 says
…as another chapter in the great mullion cross conspiracy?
p>Or will His Nibs get a pass?
p>Cuz, me? I’m feelin’ like he’s doing this whole subliminimal religiousness thing on me, donchaknow.
laurel says
I really liked the way Huck just outright beat us over the head with the god thing, didn’t you? Subtlety is for pansy Episcopalians.
laurel says
Christmas ornaments, I mean. Right, Huckababy?
johnt001 says
…with those three ornaments! Holy Trinity, anyone?
renting-in-mass says
It took me a while to figure out what this was about. The only similarity I could see was that they were both looking at the camera, which didn’t seem very interesting. I noticed eventually though! I have no opinion on whether it means anything (or matters).
joets says
katie-wallace says
They are both standing in front of windows. Many windows have “cross-like” panes.
p>Huckabee’s is painted white and stands out and you only see the one window which gives more emphasis to the cross panes.
p>Obama’s is natural wood color and blends into the background. There are two windows seen so it is clearer that these are windows.
p>Huckabee has a Christmas Tree and lights etc. Christmas…Cross…yah there is a connection there.
tom-m says
…the leaves and trees in the background are all green. And you know what green symbolizes, don’t you? That’s right… Islam. Coincidence? I think not.
laurel says
fairdeal says
it’s about time democrats play to win!
p>hey, if this is going to make some churchgoing person in the heartland feel more comfortable with obama, enough so that they will vote for his despite voting republican in the last 3 presidential elections, well . . good!
p>maybe it’s a coincidence. but if it’s not, bravo to the person who devised it. and bravo to howard dean for taking the fight to all corners of america!
christopher says
Even when the Huckabee ad aired I didn’t notice the cross until it was pointed out to me. I was focused on the candidate and what he was saying – silly me! Is there any evidence whatsoever that this was intentional?
sabutai says
I’m as hyper-sensitive about religious faith being coopted by politicians as anyone here, and that barely occurred to me. It was obvious in Huck’s ad, but in Obama’s, didn’t even notice.
p>I spent the first two minutes imagining the debate by the set people on how Oval Officish the set could look before it became too much.
p>And then, keeping score on a running bet on the word counts of “hope” vs. “change”.
pablo says
Obama is a Christian, not a Muslim. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)
jodale1972 says
I find it absolutely hilarious that people made such a big deal of Huckabee’s commercial. They claim that he was being all subliminal and stuff…oooohhhhh…ahhhhhh…ooooohhhh.
p>For crying out loud people, he clearly states in the commercial about celebrating the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. How much more clearer could he be in making his point of what Christmas was all about?
p>The Obama picture is nothing more than a coincidence in my opinion. But if you go back to the brochure that was sent out back during the primaries, Obama was standing at a pulpit with a gigantic cross behind him and not one negative word was said about it by the Liberal Main Stream Media. NOT ONE NEGATIVE WORD!!!
bob-neer says
I read this post when David put it up and had no idea what he was talking about. Then I got distracted by Obama Girl singing about Huckababy. It wasn’t until I read this post by Dracut Musings that the lightbulb switched on: the windows behind both Huckabee and Obama look like Christian crosses.
p>I suspect it was intentional in both cases.
p>I doubt it made any difference in either case.