When I said supportive, I did not mean that they supported her criminal actions or her innocence or her campaign or her staying in her seat until January. I meant emotionally supportive. They were going to denounce her earlier, they waited until she made the announcement and they stood with her and supported her decision not to run. They encouraged her to drop out of the race.
p>There would be no reason for any of them to be smiling or nodding their head.
Surely he had sticking keys and meant “I am convinced she still whines.”
I am convinced she gets at least 35% of the vote and quite possibly still wins. Her constituents LOVE her and feel this is a bag job. I will not be surprised if she wins.
If Dianne Wilkerson could not turn out someone to vote for her in a primary, do you really think that person is going to vote for her given that:
1) she’s not on the ballot
2) no one is handing out stickers with her name on them
3) no one is holding a sign with her name on it in front of the polling place
4) She herself has said she’s not running
p>It is beyond the realm of possibility that she could win this election.
There will be high turnout, particularly among low frequency/low information voters. Those people will not write in Wilkerson’s name.
p>My guess is that they will not even count the write-ins in this race now that she’s dropped out.
Just a crude back of the envelope calculation here.
According to Secretary Galvin’s website, 61,917 people voted in the general election in Wilkerson’s district in 2004. Thirty-five percent of that is 21,671. Turnout this year will most likely be even higher than that. I just don’t see how anyone could get 25,000 to 35,000 write-ins, without putting a massive amount of effort into persuading people to do so.
There’s no possible way Wilkerson can get 35% of the vote.
p>The vast majority of voters have never voted in a sticker campaign (I was out there in the 2006 primary and know how difficult it is for many people) and unless they’ve been educated as to what to do, it’s not going to happen.
p>Not to mention, there won’t be anyone handing out stickers. Yes, there will be some folks who will write her in as a protest vote, but it won’t be anything close to 35%.
Honestly, Dianne beat the polls and had the army to make the primary a little closer than it probably was, IMO, because of her turnout. The army she had from massequality, the unions, etc. really makes me think that, again, you just aren’t thinking this through.
So the big question is, does she break out her Stop Snitch’n T-shirt or does she sing like a canary? It’s always been about Dianne the victim, my money is on Singing!
that so many others must be toeing.
You keep insinuating that there is more to this and that some of her colleagues are involved, yet you have provided not a single shred of evidence for this. So, let’s have it – what specifically will she say?
This affidavit summarizes a covert investigation into activities of WILKERSON and others which has spanned a period of approximately eighteen months. Since this affidavit is being submitted for the limited purpose of establishing probable cause to believe WILKERSON committed violations ….. ….. I have not included each and every fact known to me concerning this investigation.
p>It seems pretty clear to me that others are involved.
nobody thugs she surrounds herself with, too. Chickens and hatching and all that. Given your track record in predicting the future, maybe you should lay low for a bit until some actual facts emerge.
A brief Press Conference was held at 12 noon 10/31. The Senator was surrounded by supportive clergy from her community and took no questions.
p>It is the end of her run for office.
Her clergy didn’t look very supportive, more like Fruit of Islam body guards. I didn’t see a smile or head nod in the bunch.
And you might be right about Fruit of Islam- perhaps Wilkerson was a secret Muslim after all…
When I said supportive, I did not mean that they supported her criminal actions or her innocence or her campaign or her staying in her seat until January. I meant emotionally supportive. They were going to denounce her earlier, they waited until she made the announcement and they stood with her and supported her decision not to run. They encouraged her to drop out of the race.
p>There would be no reason for any of them to be smiling or nodding their head.
I am convinced she still wins.
Surely he had sticking keys and meant “I am convinced she still whines.”
I am convinced she gets at least 35% of the vote and quite possibly still wins. Her constituents LOVE her and feel this is a bag job. I will not be surprised if she wins.
why did she lose the primary before any of this fbi stuff came to be?
p>You aren’t being logical.
Next to nobody votes in State Senate primaries. With the General election turnout things would and could be different.
If Dianne Wilkerson could not turn out someone to vote for her in a primary, do you really think that person is going to vote for her given that:
1) she’s not on the ballot
2) no one is handing out stickers with her name on them
3) no one is holding a sign with her name on it in front of the polling place
4) She herself has said she’s not running
p>It is beyond the realm of possibility that she could win this election.
Do you think she can garner 35%?
There will be high turnout, particularly among low frequency/low information voters. Those people will not write in Wilkerson’s name.
p>My guess is that they will not even count the write-ins in this race now that she’s dropped out.
Just a crude back of the envelope calculation here.
According to Secretary Galvin’s website, 61,917 people voted in the general election in Wilkerson’s district in 2004. Thirty-five percent of that is 21,671. Turnout this year will most likely be even higher than that. I just don’t see how anyone could get 25,000 to 35,000 write-ins, without putting a massive amount of effort into persuading people to do so.
There’s no possible way Wilkerson can get 35% of the vote.
p>The vast majority of voters have never voted in a sticker campaign (I was out there in the 2006 primary and know how difficult it is for many people) and unless they’ve been educated as to what to do, it’s not going to happen.
p>Not to mention, there won’t be anyone handing out stickers. Yes, there will be some folks who will write her in as a protest vote, but it won’t be anything close to 35%.
Honestly, Dianne beat the polls and had the army to make the primary a little closer than it probably was, IMO, because of her turnout. The army she had from massequality, the unions, etc. really makes me think that, again, you just aren’t thinking this through.
p>it’s all moot now, though.
Per BUR this morning
So the big question is, does she break out her Stop Snitch’n T-shirt or does she sing like a canary? It’s always been about Dianne the victim, my money is on Singing!
that so many others must be toeing.
You keep insinuating that there is more to this and that some of her colleagues are involved, yet you have provided not a single shred of evidence for this. So, let’s have it – what specifically will she say?
Clearly in the affidavit on the href=”http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/ma/Press%20Office%20-%20Press%20Release%20Files/Oct2008/Wilkerson%20Complaint.pdf”>DOJ website you will find the following on page 3:
p>It seems pretty clear to me that others are involved.
nobody thugs she surrounds herself with, too. Chickens and hatching and all that. Given your track record in predicting the future, maybe you should lay low for a bit until some actual facts emerge.
before the Feds started setting up their undercover/sting scenarios to make the case. The “cooperating witness” being one, perhaps.
It is not at all clear that anyone else was criminally involved. We shall just have to wait and see.
The Massachusetts Senate needs somebody up-front about it like you.
p>Diane Wilkerson for state senator! Nake Massachusetts proud!