With only 25 days left until election day, citizens are closer than ever to passing Question 3 and helping thousands of greyhounds. In fact, according to a poll released this morning, animal protection supporters have a 23-point lead.
Dog track owners also know that voters are prepared to vote YES for the dogs, and quite frankly they are getting a bit desperate. In recent weeks, they have made all sorts of claims that have no basis in fact.
That is why we launched Question3Facts.org this morning. Please visit the Yes on 3 website and learn about this humane proposal, and then visit Question3Facts.org to see some of the false statements being made by dog track proponents.
Voters deserve to know the truth about dog racing, and there is no place in this debate for exaggeration or hyperbole. We are confident that once voters learn the facts, they will vote YES on 3.
It just goes to show that the truth can win out, at least with a little grassroots effort.
I think it is one of the most beutiful sights to see a greyhound racing streched out. I agree that the collisions at the first turn aren’t necessarily pretty. Especially if the dog I bet on is one of them. Of course your information is slanted your way. And yes, the other side is slanted their way. I encourage voters to read both points of view.
You know, it takes more regulation to have a dog, than a human being.
You can own a dog but not a human. There are also a lot more laws governing the behavior of humans than dogs. What are you talking about?
Make a baby. Let us worry about poverty, and homelessness first. Unlike the Democratic US Senate tossing AIG a $500,000 party!
Try Ben Bernanke and Hank Paulson. The AIG bailout was engineered by the Fed.
There are many more laws regarding children and babies than dogs. You can be convicted for mistreating your child much more easily than you can for mistreating your dog.
it seems to me that part of the argument should also pivot around gambling. I mean, dog racing is just a casino with cruelty, right? Maybe that’s just my puritan roots kicking in, but further rolling back gaming in this state especially with the developments of the last year, would be a trend in the right direction.