A NYT article goes on to note that
Several party leaders said Mr. McCain needed to settle on a single message in the final weeks of the campaign and warned that his changing day-to-day dialogue – a welter of evolving economic proposals, mixed with on-again-off-again attacks on Mr. Obama’s character – was not breaking through and was actually helping Mr. Obama in his effort to portray Mr. McCain as erratic.
It seems that the McCain campaign is wandering as aimlessly as McCain did around the stage during last week’s debate with Obama. Lucky for McCain he has Palin on the team. “We just want to make sure that in this campaign, that we uphold the standards of tolerance and truth-telling.”, she said. Too bad she hasn’t figured out how to do that yet.
Mitt’s a jerk, but he’s a smart jerk. Once he realized that he wasn’t going to be nominated as VP, he started to use that Harvard JD/MBA to work several months ago to put as much space between himself and McCain while still “backing” the ticket. Remember how he said that he wouldn’t be a member of the Cabinet because he saw how his father was treated by Nixon’s twenty-something minions? Oh, he’s doing the obligatory stump speeches and TV appearances — but you can see he really doesn’t believe half of what he’s saying when he talks about the McCain platform.
p>He’s probably quite happy that he’s not in McCain’s inner circle of advisors — that gives him plenty of plausible deniability for 2012.