A bunch of choreographed, young black men talking about taking responsibility for their lives and repeating Obama campaign talking points in an oddly disciplined, quasi-military manner is supposed to scare the craqp [sic] out of us because …
p>Because what?
Note I have already written more about this than the poster did. I don’t think anyone else needs to view this video.
p>There’s nothing there.
p>We can return to worrying about real issues.
By all means KBusch ! suppress! censure! lest anyone form their OWN opinion and view the TRUTH!
p>”Note I have already written more about this than the poster did. I don’t think anyone else needs to view this video.” says your master KBusch!
p>No need for others to see for themselves now that the all knowing censor, Kbusch has spoken!
p>Pay no attentions to the Obama Hitler youth! “We can return to talking about real issues”.
p>My God people, if you can’t see this for what it is, America is doomed
I’m not going to suppress that. I welcome it.
p>But you don’t.
p>Until you do, I suggest that no one needs to waste his or her time with this.
p>Right now, all you have is punctuation and vituperation.
Right now all you have is BS. Who the hell are YOU?
I know who the hell you are: You’re Tom’s Opinion, Asa Bearce, and Ted K’s Liver.
KBusch is someone who has gained my respect through his use of logic, facts, patience and humor. Jack12, on the other hand, has been nothing but a shit spreader. Gee, if I were to take someone’s advice I wonder whose it would be…
p>Armies of Filipino Prisoner zombies practicing their dance moves in preparation for a US dance invasion…
p>Just as silly, equally to be feared. Or not.
This comment certainly has an odd whiff of paranoia — as if kids doing an awkwardly choreographed performance were on a par with the Hitlerjugend, but I’m not sure it quite deserves a zero.
p>A diagnosis, perhaps, but not a zero.
This is the second time you’ve posted a video we “have” to see with only a tiny bit of comment. Videos, unlike comments, take time to watch. So I think you need to make a case that there is some compelling reason to sit through five minutes of something before imposing on others’ time. But you don’t even take the time to do even that! Perhaps your goal is simply to waste other’s time. How trollesque!
p>Or if you think random video assignments are peachy, why don’t you watch some of Robert Greenwald’s films, then, and report back to us?
Save us White Obi Wan McCain, you’re our only hope!
performing an Obama mind control ritual? I sure as hell aren’t OK with it.
p>Do you think this kids are the “witches” Sarah Palin’s pastor warns us about?
p>I don’t know in what context these people are doing this performance, but I believe that Americans have the right to express themselves however they see fit, “comrade”.
“Mind control” that somehow surrounds this Obama “Mesiah” .
The pitiful little brainwashed children in Oregon singing their love for their Master , Obama was sickening enough and reminiscent of good little communist children singing their adoration of their master , Kim Jong iL or Mao tse Sung .
p>My God people, can’t you se how sick this Obama “Religion” has become? This is AMERICA ( or used to be) not communist China or Nazi Germany
If you find the the video above “disgusting”, I can only imagine your “outrage” at this:
This is not anything like the creepy video of those highly manipulated kids singing a devotional hymn that they don’t understand to a political figure that they don’t know.
p>These young men appear to have done this of their own volition. (and obviously without the help of a director/choreographer.)
p>If I find anything unsettling about it, it’s their use of the term “because of”.
p>Sad to think that heretofore, none of them could find sufficient inspiration in this great world to achieve the goals that they now proclaim.
p>Not disgusting.
Not sick.
Not scary.
p>Just sad.
I feel sorry for you. Sadder yet, I feel sorry for America when it has people living in it that can’t see this for what it is. The end has begun.
You’re not one of those “Left Behind” types, are you?
p>Peace out. So sad that you gotta run. Don’t rush back, we won’t miss you.
Ye shall know them by one (or some combination) of the following characeristics:
p>a) The hair-as-helmet coiff. Refuse to let gay men cut their hair.
b) Do you smell that? Still have half a case of Hai Karate purchased off the back of a truck back in the 80s.
c) This stuff is great! Recommend family members try some Zomax, a painkiller also purchased in large quantities from the guy with the truck back in the 80s.
d) Are you a blonde? Send me a pic. Have frequent erotic dreams involving Couter and/or Ingraham but always wake up right before the “good parts.”
A bunch of choreographed, young black men talking about taking responsibility for their lives and repeating Obama campaign talking points in an oddly disciplined, quasi-military manner is supposed to scare the craqp [sic] out of us because …
p>Because what?
Note I have already written more about this than the poster did. I don’t think anyone else needs to view this video.
p>There’s nothing there.
p>We can return to worrying about real issues.
By all means KBusch ! suppress! censure! lest anyone form their OWN opinion and view the TRUTH!
p>”Note I have already written more about this than the poster did. I don’t think anyone else needs to view this video.” says your master KBusch!
p>No need for others to see for themselves now that the all knowing censor, Kbusch has spoken!
p>Pay no attentions to the Obama Hitler youth! “We can return to talking about real issues”.
p>My God people, if you can’t see this for what it is, America is doomed
I’m not going to suppress that. I welcome it.
p>But you don’t.
p>Until you do, I suggest that no one needs to waste his or her time with this.
p>Right now, all you have is punctuation and vituperation.
Right now all you have is BS. Who the hell are YOU?
I know who the hell you are: You’re Tom’s Opinion, Asa Bearce, and Ted K’s Liver.
KBusch is someone who has gained my respect through his use of logic, facts, patience and humor. Jack12, on the other hand, has been nothing but a shit spreader. Gee, if I were to take someone’s advice I wonder whose it would be…
But your mileage may vary.
p>Armies of Filipino Prisoner zombies practicing their dance moves in preparation for a US dance invasion…
p>Just as silly, equally to be feared. Or not.
This comment certainly has an odd whiff of paranoia — as if kids doing an awkwardly choreographed performance were on a par with the Hitlerjugend, but I’m not sure it quite deserves a zero.
p>A diagnosis, perhaps, but not a zero.
This is the second time you’ve posted a video we “have” to see with only a tiny bit of comment. Videos, unlike comments, take time to watch. So I think you need to make a case that there is some compelling reason to sit through five minutes of something before imposing on others’ time. But you don’t even take the time to do even that! Perhaps your goal is simply to waste other’s time. How trollesque!
p>Or if you think random video assignments are peachy, why don’t you watch some of Robert Greenwald’s films, then, and report back to us?
Save us White Obi Wan McCain, you’re our only hope!
performing an Obama mind control ritual? I sure as hell aren’t OK with it.
p>Do you think this kids are the “witches” Sarah Palin’s pastor warns us about?
p>I don’t know in what context these people are doing this performance, but I believe that Americans have the right to express themselves however they see fit, “comrade”.
“Mind control” that somehow surrounds this Obama “Mesiah” .
The pitiful little brainwashed children in Oregon singing their love for their Master , Obama was sickening enough and reminiscent of good little communist children singing their adoration of their master , Kim Jong iL or Mao tse Sung .
p>My God people, can’t you se how sick this Obama “Religion” has become? This is AMERICA ( or used to be) not communist China or Nazi Germany
If you find the the video above “disgusting”, I can only imagine your “outrage” at this:
This is not anything like the creepy video of those highly manipulated kids singing a devotional hymn that they don’t understand to a political figure that they don’t know.
p>These young men appear to have done this of their own volition. (and obviously without the help of a director/choreographer.)
p>If I find anything unsettling about it, it’s their use of the term “because of”.
p>Sad to think that heretofore, none of them could find sufficient inspiration in this great world to achieve the goals that they now proclaim.
p>Not disgusting.
Not sick.
Not scary.
p>Just sad.
I feel sorry for you. Sadder yet, I feel sorry for America when it has people living in it that can’t see this for what it is. The end has begun.
You’re not one of those “Left Behind” types, are you?
p>Peace out. So sad that you gotta run. Don’t rush back, we won’t miss you.
Here ya go.
we had two similar posts:
p>and next door, too:
Ye shall know them by one (or some combination) of the following characeristics:
p>a) The hair-as-helmet coiff. Refuse to let gay men cut their hair.
b) Do you smell that? Still have half a case of Hai Karate purchased off the back of a truck back in the 80s.
c) This stuff is great! Recommend family members try some Zomax, a painkiller also purchased in large quantities from the guy with the truck back in the 80s.
d) Are you a blonde? Send me a pic. Have frequent erotic dreams involving Couter and/or Ingraham but always wake up right before the “good parts.”
Definitely the same person.