Ryan's taking his take over at the 'Take, too.
So far, I'm loving the emphasis on health care. I'm not so crazy about the emphasis on how downtrodden and lumpen the middle class is … but you know, it's been a while since America had a raise, so maybe it's justified.
It is extremely cool how much live video they're using; and how much of it is just Obama talking to the camera. The guy's good. He's persuasive. Let him shine.
Go Deval!
Good stuff. Very solid — demonstrated compassion for people struggling economically; promised action on health care; showed credibility on national security; and asks for action. And again, it shows as much of him, speaking simply and straightforwardly, since he is his own best advocate. There was a minimum of standard-issue political ad mumbo-jumbo. (These guys were nowhere around a mic, thank goodness.) I think the spot will serve him well.
… and here's the video, in case you missed it and are still deciding whom to vote for đŸ™‚
I like what I’m seeing — diverse, hard-working middle-class types telling their stories… transitioning to candidate autobiography. Very carefully crafted.
and what i’m seeing is just he live speech at sunrise, fl. sounds like i’m missing other stuff that’s being braodcast on tv.
the only live video was the speech at the end… the rest, i think, was obama pre-recorded.
back to my NO on Prop 8 calls!
I honestly don’t think this helped or hurt at all.
I enjoyed it, and think it will help him. I think the oval office looking set was a little over the top…something that Mcain will be mentioning in his stump speech tomorrow. I thought the insertion of the govenors was a smart move…but where was Hillary? I wish he could have convinced General Powell to participate.
p>I really don’t know how I’ll react if he does not win…I keep hitting refresh on Pollster waiting for new polls to make me less paranoid.
Was there a mention of PA other than Biden’s scranton roots…? I don’t think so….if the campaign was actually concerned about PA, would one of the family segments been from there?
No mention of PA, or NH. And we saw Richardson, Sebelius, McCaskill, Kaine…but not Rendell.
p>And no Hillary Clinton. That last one still confuses me.
The narrative of the commercial was about current troubles of “average” folks and a guy you can trust to lead you to a better future. Most of the pols — except for Sebelius, Biden and Durkin — are from swing states, and Sebelius was there to talk about “Kansas roots.” I think that the the director and writer may have thought that bringing Hillary in would imply the past and so would dilute the power of the story.
I’m not at all interested in revisiting the primary wars, but some of these states are swingy because of indecisive voters to whom Hillary Clinton seemed so able to reach. For some of the people who Obama is trying to reach, Hillary is a great ambassador.
p>Hey, it’s his call. But I would have expected all hands on deck for something like this — after all, that’s the approach to the Clinton/Obama rally tonight, right?
they don’t have some separate Hillary-related event planned that is more targeted. I guess time will tell. Because maybe having Hillary in the general ad would still have been distasteful to some of the republicans and independents Obama is still after. I don’t have a clue, really, just wondering out loud.
The fact that it didn’t seem to focus on battleground states was part of its power. Part of the transcending politics thing.
the families profiled were from New Mexico, Ohio, Missouri and Kentucky. I’d say it was pretty swing state oriented.
I like 538 a lot, but I recently found the Princeton Election Consortium, which is quite good too. It got the 2004 EVs exactly right (actually, their 2004 prediction was wrong, but that’s because they added a bunch of erroneous assumptions to their baseline model, which was dead on, and which is what they’re sticking to this time around).
You can watch it here. I would’ve embedded, but it was having difficulty.
The first image of Obama in the video:
p>Remind you of anything?
But Obama is skilled at subliminal messaging. For example – This STORY by a local columnist called ‘Digital Grind’ details having found Obama billboards embedded in a video game.
p>Master of the domain, as it were. And if you think that’s an exaggeration, I was playing an online free video game, and up popped an ad for…Vote NO on One!
p>I couldn’t watch the whole thing. It was so packaged, so Ron Popiel. I kept thinking – being a good politician isn’t the same thing as being able to govern. We’ve seen that locally, as it were, and if Obama wins, I have deep misgivings about his actual abilities other than glibness.