I can say buttocks, can’t I? As for the standout, it was the Beatty volunteers vs. the Kerry employees. Pretty pathetic of the democrats. BTW, the entire state gets to vote in November, not just the democratic employees/hacks.
Please share widely!
Reality-based commentary on politics.
billxi says
Is how the headline should read.
johnd says
I’m sure Kerry will win overwhelmingly with so many sheep voting in MA.
p>Can someone please explain the “change” we want in Washington being so strong and wide in this country but Kerry, Kennedy and the Globe’s endorsement of ALL 4 Democratic Congressmen running for reelection putting the same exact people who got us to where we are? HELLO, McFly… those mentioned above ARE Washington, not just George Bush!!!!
p>What’s that definition of stupidity as “… doing the same thing but expecting different results…”.
billxi says
Not just the democratic hacks. Change is good. In Massachusetts that means vote for efery non-democrat on the ballot. Except in the 7th Worcester, any sticker candidate ids better than that immoral crook Bob Spellane. It is really curious about his mortgage-free house loan. Another democrat, another crook.
christopher says
Congress is horrible, but my own people are the greatest thing to ever happen to Congress. From the O’Reilly campaign I can sympathize with the feeling that Kerry isn’t happy about being challenged. However, the latest Rasmussen poll dated October 13th has Kerry leading Beatty 61%-32% so people must be satisfied. (NB to billxi – that is a poll of all voter types, not just “Democrats and hacks”.) As for the House, the incumbents either have no opponent or are not competitive, so again people here seem to like their representation and mostly want change in the White House. Even Niki Tsongas, a half-term incumbent, got a pass on opposition even though one’s first re-election bid is supposedly the most vulnerable – and the district was drawn to be Republican! Change began in 2006 and many have been disappointed with the pace, but hopefully we can solidify that in 2008.
karenc says
of being in the Senate, when the country is moving in a liberal direction. The country has been in a long conservative phase since 1980, when Reagan was elected and about 10 liberal Senators lost.
p>The ideas that he and Kennedy have espoused are the ones that are part of the change. That is why most of Kerry’s strongest accomplishments are stopping things that were bad. (As he did with his Contra and BCCI investigations).
karenc says
Beatty had few coherent ideas of what he would do. Instead, he used most of his time throwing right wing smears at Senator Kerry. If he weren’t losing for other reasons, he would be losing just for being rude and obnoxious.
p>On Proposition 1, his answer was just wrong. The elderly, the poor and most of the middle class would likely lose more in services than they gain from no state income tax – if the money is not replaced. In reality, at least some of it would and that would come from property taxes or sales taxes.
p>On the Iranian leader Kerry was with, he is very wrong. Kerry was with Khatami, the former President, who was a Pro-democracy party member. The very party Beatty than spoke of being the hope of the county. Kerry’s talk as part of that committee was very good – and other than on right wing blogs – was well received.
p>Kerry was right Beatty has no real idea of a health care plan.
p>Kerry was far better on the energy plan and far better on taxes – Beatty claiming he would do both McCain’s and Obama’s tax cuts was weird – especially as he seemed to be trying to be a fiscal conservative.
p>On Iraq, MA is in agreement with Kerry on where to go.
billxi says
Is on your hands too. I seriously hope you’re not smirking like Kerry. Oh yeah he cares lots. And yes, his employees will say anything he wants them too. I met a Kerry staffer in Newton last night. I didn’t get the impression he would have been there if it wasn’t his job depending on it.
That homeless vet is a real person. I met him last night.
The poor: let’s see, there’s that umemployment extension vote in 2004 thart he was too busy serving his own agenda to care about. I got my heating oil assistance from Citizens Energy. I never saw Kerry’s name anywhere. My former carpetbagging State Senator Ed Augustus took credit for LIHEAP. Ok, who’s lying. Ed wasn’t a bad guy until he moved to Somerville. Worcester County is not Somerville.
Jeff Beatty has volunteers, Kerry has employees.
We have come full circle. republicans are the upstarts, and the democrats are the lazy fat cats. the gains will be modest, but change is coming.
Regarding your last statement: I can’t afford to be a Joe Biden patriot. But I think most of our great commonwealth’s citizens support our troops. I’m sorry you don’t.
kbusch says
mr-lynne says
… conservative thinking on homeless vets is that for the most part they don’t exist.
billxi says
2. Running for president WAS Kerry’s personal agenda. Everything he did was predicated on becoming president. Just as now, he’s running for secretary of state. Um, memo to Kerry: Secretary of state is not an elected position. Obama is using you.
3. Jeff Beatty has people that CARE about the race. If Kerry’s employees weren’t there nobody would be there.
Beatty volunteers 40
Kerry employees 15
If one is volunteering elsewhere, then one is volunteering for that cause, whatever it may be.
In summation, the election of Jeff Beatty is going to turn the democratic party on its collective head.
karenc says
to the site of the debate is a good measure of support. Every poll has shown Kerry 30 plus points ahead. Beatty now has a higher unfavorable number than Kerry in the most recent poll – and his positives are about half of Kerry’s. There was no Kerry email even telling people where the debate was.
p>Kerry’s office does have people who do help disabled veterans. It is very possible that someone in the office dropped the ball here if the story is accurate. Kerry HAS written legislation that does help veterans and got it passed. I would assume that he will get his office to figure out what happened and fix it. This is not something the Senator himself did or didn’t do.
billxi says
I haven’t participated in one for a national office this year. When JeffBeatty wins, remember, you heard it here first.
BTW BMG’ers, the states that were leaning Obama, are now leaning the other way, or more even. I read that RI is now a toss-up. You better send some people down there.
kathy says
You really do live in an alternate reality.
billxi says
p>You will notice Rhode Island is not colored red anymore. Real enough for ya?
huh says
what did you think red meant?
karenc says
Find me a single case where a candidate who was behind by more than 30 points 2 weeks before in a legitimate poll won. Didn’t you think O’Reilly was going to win too?
p>If you think RI is a toss up, you are clearly smoking something that is not legal.
kbusch says
Well, if he does win, billxi, I will be sure to give you credit.
christopher says
Latest RI polling according to http://www.electoral-vote.com has Obama at a 22 point advantage. OH, VA, NC, FL all trending Obama. ND is tied and MT and IN which should be firmly in McCain’s camp are just barely. If anything the polls are undercounting Obama’s support due to cell phone exclusivity among young people and their habit of polling “likely voters”, which by definition are those who voted in the past. Thus the swarms of new Democratic registrations generated over the past several months have not been counted.
kbusch says
Recently I was part of a local campaign where our candidate was debating the opposition. The word from our Campaign Director was that it was a waste of effort to go to the event. Knocking on doors was a better use of time.
p>You don’t know why people showed up — or didn’t. Drawing conclusions from it is unwarranted.
billxi says
From the Beatty side, I met people from Franklin, Attleboro, Fitchburg, Lowell, Shrewsbury, Westboro, and Millbury.
From the Kerry side, I met and chatted with a nice young who was a Kerry staffer, although he didn’t tell the newspaper reporter that. Hmm, I wonder why? OOps, silly me. The first thing anybody on Kerry’s staff does is learn to lie well. No, too outragous a claim. Maybe just to the media.
You can’t be with people for a while without a conversation igniting. My conclusions are based on what people told me. I also made some professional contacts on disability issues while I was there.
karenc says
Nothing I said justifies it.
p>I said absolutely nothing about the troops. I think that more needs to be known about the vet story. You may take it at face value I don’t. All we know is that Beatty says the vet called Kerry’s office and did not get a return call. I think if that happened Kerry likely needs to replace that person – it was clear he did not take the comment lightly in the debate. An interesting question is whether he called Kennedy’s office or his Congressman’s.
p>As to blood on my hands – my then teens and I protested the war in early 2003 before it started. In Kerry’s case, he was not smirking, he looked angry. He did speak out before the war started asking that Bush not rush to war – saying that it was not a last resort. The IWR did not DEMAND or FORCE Bush to go to war. Bush himself before the vote said it did not mean there would be a war. Far more was known in March 2004, when Bush ordered the invasion. This is Bush’s war.
p>The fact is that Kerry has been an advocate for veterans for his entire career. The worst thing this can say is that if it is completely true – that Kerry had a staffer who screwed up.
karenc says
mr-lynne says
… a personal attack, there is actual delusional policy analysis in there too.
billxi says
And the Massachusetts House delegation advocate for everyone in Massachusetts. Then maybe Governor Patrick wouldn’t have to spend $500,000 to lobby for us.
Statements about Republicans: Gods honest truth
Statemennts about democrats: Smears
I think I got it.
johnk says
Smearing people is all you have, like the poor pathetic McCain campaign. Stupid and smears can only take you so far, what would happen if you actually had to debate a solution? But first you would need a plan, oh well, carry on …
centralmassdad says
I loathe John Kerry. Loathe. I would love to have the opportunity to vote against the good Senator.
p>And you, and your party, bring this crap? This unadulterated crap? Blood on his hands? You may fall for this nonsense, but the independents who actually decide elections in the Commonwealth are not stupid f–king morons. I can’t vote for this Betty nitwit, and neither can 60% of the rest of the electorate.
p>I’m going to have to write someone in. Way to go Mass GOP!
karenc says
which both Kerry and Khatami were on. As noted by the moderator the Bush administration had not sent anyone to participate. http://www.c-spanarchives.org/…
p>At about 1 hour and a few minutes in, Kerry blasts the current President of Iraq for his outrageous comments. What this shows is that Beatty did NOT read a transcript or watched the video. What is clear is that he simply was repeating extreme right wing talking points.
p>Kerry does speak of his belief that America has not engaged in enough diplomacy during the Bush years. (In more recent appearances, Kerry has commended Rice for becoming more involved in middle eastern democracy.)
ryepower12 says
red mass group is at http://www.redmassgroup.com
billxi says
I would think you would encourage unenrolled voters to become involved. Oh, only left wingers, eh?
kbusch says
You’re joining a conversation here. The conversation is saturated with liberals. Now two things are true about liberals:
p>1. Liberals actually love thinking about alternative views. We find it stimulating and interesting that there are people different from us. We can recognize a good argument when we see it.
p>2. Like other people, we liberals don’t enjoy invective directed against us.
p>You keep veering into #2.
p>Lots of invective. Nothing carefully reasoned. Nothing sourced. Nothing aimed at your audience.
p>This isn’t a matter of “being allowed”. It’s more, “Why are you sitting at our table if you don’t want to converse with us but just want to yell and throw things?”
billxi says
1. Liberals like to hear alternative views. And then slirk and think they’re better than everyone else.
BTW check out:
p> You will see Rhode Island is not Red colored anymore. You may have to remove your rose-colored glasses to see it.
kbusch says
Pretty pathetic of the democrats.
Not just the democratic employees/hacks.
Another democrat, another crook
The blood of our soldiers is on your hands too.
I seriously hope you’re not smirking like Kerry.
Do you really think we all believe all Democrats are crooks? Do you think that just by saying it, Ryan or Karenc is going to think, “Come to think of it, billxi’s right! All Democrats are crooks. Why didn’t I notice!” You cannot be so deluded.
p>Even if you were right about the universal crookedness of Democrats — and you manifestly are not, you’re unconvincing. You are trying to convince by increasing the intensity of your invective, i.e. by yelling and throwing things.
I’ve been trying to think carefully about who the best conservative commentators are on this site’s conversation. I think the best are three: JoeTS, gary, and geo999. The last two can get pretty caustic, but they are always well prepared with sources and arguments and they never overstate their case. And, I might add, I almost never agree with them.
huh says
Look at the map key. Please.
kbusch says
There was a time when the colors went the other way. I think primary election ballots in Massachusetts primaries are still color-coded with pink for Democrats and baby blue for Republicans.
p>Obviously, billxi is in for quite a shock if he is only now realizing that all that blue on these maps means Democrats are winning. Possibly that explains his bizarre confidence in the upcoming Jeff Beatty seat in in the Senate.
kbusch says
Compare the knee jerk reactions one expects from liberals and conservatives to Muslim extremism.
p>From conservatives, it’s simple: “Crush those evil-doers!”
p>From liberals, it’s usually “Why did they do that!?”
p>Many conservatives — including conservative-in-chief Bush — seemed to think that understanding the Islamic world is a huge waste of time. Either one was for or against democracy. End of story.
p>We liberals to know about culture and history and motivation and blah blah blah. We’re playing chess. We want to understand every move.