Thank goodness we have such a gifted man in the senate who could see fit to support this much needed rescue legislation without extracting so much as a single consolation on our behalf for his efforts.…
Please share widely!
The “consolation on our behalf for his efforts” will come when the House also passes the bill tomorrow, i.e., the crashing of the economy will become less likely—assuming Congress is not too late in acting. BTW, Rep. Delahunt and Lynch, who apparently have decided to vote against the bill tomorrow, should promise to resign their positions if the bill fails and the economy tanks. That is the least they should do for their stupidity.
I guess I have to be the one to tell you. The economy will tank regardless of what Washington does.
In fact it tanked quite some time ago. How could it not? None of the “jobless recovery since ’02 was anything other than painting over the rust with borrowed money.
At least if all goes well and the government stops throwing hundreds of billion into toilets like the “bailout Bill” they will have a little credit left with which to do things that actualy need doing.
Soothing bilionaires egos is not one of them and last I checked that list of billionaires includes most of the US Senate.
I would assume that he was one of the people fighting for the measures such as more money to renegotiate mortgages and some of the elements to help small businesses. If you mean that he didn’t add to the pork, that says more about you than him.
p>The things he fights for all the time are for MA and the rest of the country – and he is a gifted man.