Are you a poet, and don’t yet know it?
Okay yes, a cheesy line to start off a plug for THE COOLEST EVENT EVER IN MASSACHUSETTS, but it got your attention, didn’t it?
No, I am in no way affiliated with the Massachusetts Poetry Festival planners, just an enthusiastic attendee!
As someone who spent a good deal of her college writing career focusing in poetry (yes, I did), I have had disappointingly little opportunity to engage with the poetry world since graduating. Why, oh why, has no one put together such a poetry festival before?? Now, there’s one in my backyard in Lowell this weekend, and it’s pretty exciting. There’s readings by groups from the Cape and the South Shore and Worcester and poetry workshops (yaywhee!) and special readings by great poets and coffee shop performances and music and history all rolled into one weekend.
If you miss this, you’ll only have yourself to blame. This is a great opportunity to reconnect with poetry in your life if you are like me and already enjoy it, or to find the poetry that speaks to you if you are not. You can also check out Paul Marion on, who has written about this and other poetry topics. Poetry belongs in the public square and where people live and connect. This event brings that all together!
So, see you there!
PS – forgot to mention, nearly the entire weekend is FREE! but there are three special readings which are ticket-only, and they are going fast. You can buy tickets per event (one on Fri night and two on Saturday afternoon and evening) or one ticket to all three! Buy tickets here. Schedule is here.
Which events, presuming I can tear myself away from “life, the universe, and everything” would you especially recommend???