Via Politico.
KING: You don’t believe Barack Obama is a socialist do you?
MCCAIN: “No, but i do believe that he has been in the far left of American politics and stated time after time that he believes in spreading the wealth around. He has talked about courts that redistribute the wealth. He has a record of voting against tax cuts. And for tax increases.”
Well, outside of the thoroughly debunked courts redistributing wealth story, because you know he actually said the opposite. The question is why have you purposely used false attacks, or what some might call lying to the American public, over the past few weeks?
Please share widely!
I haven’t seen John McCain or Sarah Palin call Mr Obama a socialist. Have you?
p>What I have seen, and what is true, is that Mr Obama promotes an economic policy that draws on some socialist tenets.
In that case, McCain has once again shot himself and his campaign in the foot. Now it’s incredibly easy to respond to the whole “socialism” BS by pointing to this interview and saying, “look – McCain himself admits I’m not a socialist!”
p>The incompetence of the McCain/Palin operation continues to boggle the mind.
But how would McCain know his deepest beliefs? He wasn’t hanging around with Obama during college or over at Bill Ayers house when his ideals were being forged.
p>And what’s wrong with being a socialist again?
that Obama is NOT a socialist, nor should we discuss this anymore. geo, they, is that good with you?
someone here to tell me what a socialist believes that is bad or wrong and Obama would disagree with.
McCain said he’s not, and he’s the one who started blubbering about it in the first place. Your definition of socialism is having the top tax rate move 3%? To a place it was prior to one of the most disastrous financial policies in the history of our country? That’s your definition of socialism?
p>So come one now, you can do it. Say it….
p>Obama is not a socialist….
p>Consider this therapy.
No, that’s not my definition of socialism, that’s not anyone’s definition of socialism. I have been asking for someone to explain to me what a socialist believes that is bad or wrong, and that Obama would disagree with.
which would be a radical change for America- no more inequality of incomes, no incentives to work harder than your neighbor (some would say). Maybe less choice of jobs. No more mansions or Gazillionaires.
I’d probably have to give up my Iphone and one of my televisions so the little kids down the street could eat a decent meal- it would be an utter hororshow, socialism. Dogs and cats living together- mass hysteria.
p>Fine, technically she didn’t call Obama a socialist, but you’re really going to nitpick about this?
by candidates who likely don’t want think of themselves as racist, but but are happy to stoke voters’ racism.
I notice that you name no candidate.
p>Does that mean you can’t name any?
p>Or, since it is posted right below a photo of Sarah Palin, do you hope the reader will infer that she is racist without your having to actually provide incontrovertible evidence to support your charge?