I know TARP is brand-new and is hundreds of pages longer than the original 3-page idea presented by the Bush Administration, but still, you’d have thunk that someone might have vetted the idea. But then, McCain’s campaign is now clearly so panicked that no one probably thought through this question or felt that they had time to ask a lawyer to research its legality before launch.
But then, I’ve given up any hope that the McCain campaign is capable of feeling any sense of embarassment.
Please share widely!
that they could seek an amendment to the law. But why bother? I mean, McCain’s thing is obviously a campaign stunt. It has no hope of working. No one outside the McCain campaign is taking it seriously, right?
I didn’t see anything on his website. I’m sure he has one, but I cannot find it.
p>The Atlantic blogger just mentions the economic stimulus plan. How is some undefined injention of $50-75 going to accomplish anything?
p>And, David can you please explain the difference between McCain’s plan.
p>And this, which you called “an interesting, and much more sophisticated, approach to keeping people in their homes”:
p>I am NOT trying to do a gotcha. I was about to agree with you that McCain’s plan sounded like a 12th-hour gimmick, but then I found your earlier comment, and I began to wonder if this isn’t a plan that’s had some vetting. They seem to have a lot of similarities.