The second-best part is that Graham calls his blog “The Natural Truth.” The best part is that Graham is on a crusade to convince people that McCain-Palin supporters aren’t really hate-mongering against Obama. I guess he’ll have to exclude himself.
Update: Graham responds and, as I predicted, invokes the “any idiot would know it’s a fake” defense. Pathetic.
(For a photo collage, see my original item at Media Nation.)
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I would call this awful Graham-Cracker a crumb, but it would unduly insult the goodness and tastiness of the real thing.
Maybe write up a post on this.
p>But what are you talking about? The child tax credit? Nothing is making sense here.
If we left the economy-killing Republican administrations in office. But, that won’t happen.
By the way, Dan, do you know why in the world Emily Rooney allowed this guy on Beat the Press? He spent most of his time making false statements, one of which you yourself corrected him on.
Jay Severin occasionally comes up with good ideas. Even Bill O’Reilly (who they used to air) wasn’t as bad. But Mr.Graham would always make me want to puke. The man has no regard for logic whatsoever.