To Senator Barack Obma’s credit, he has kept hands off Governor Palin’s religion, as he should. The same AP article states that:
In September, Obama defended Palin’s religious beliefs and said it would be “offensive” to portray her faith as strange or wrong.
Good for Obama!
One of the New Hampshire voters I spoke with while canvasing yesterday said, “Tell them I am tired of them picking on one another.” about the candidates. Well, it isn’t Senator Obama doing the picking, and I am very glad he vigourously sets the record straight, and doesn’t indulge in lies and distortions.
Distorted ugly campaigning did not help Kerry Healey become governor in Massachusetts.
I hope the increasing nasty spew from McCain doesn’t take McCain to the White House.
Perhaps that $150 million raised by Obama in the last month is the American people’s way of voting against negative campaigning.
on those that commit adultery too? That is against her religion after all and she’s legislating her own personal religious beliefs. But I guess that might not fly since McCain would be banned from marriage along with the gays that she tolerates oh so well.
On life, and gays. I’m comfortable with winner take all! Life is a decision to be made between the partners. Gay: lets just settle it once and for all. Don’t even think of espousing that “marriage equality” garbage to me.
I think that the Republican factions are turning on one another.
p>Palin, in my view, represents the social conservative, anti-intellectual wing of the party, that still thinks the world of George W. Bush and the war in Iraq. These guys are about to take the position that the 2008 election was lost because the GOP ticket was, by a huge margin, not consercative enough, and because it was not aggressive enough on Obama’s character. Expand Guantanamo! Ban the gays! Torture terrorists, they’re not human anyway! Jesus loves me but hates you and wants you to die and suffer for all eternity. They are also the ones who assume that Republicanism is the same thing as conservatism, and that anyone who is not Republican is a treasonous liberal, or, in their new phrasing, a “socialist.” Hence: Andrew Sullivan, Peggy Noonan, David Brooks, George Will, Tony Snow, Colin Powell, Ross Douthat, all “socialists.”
p>McCain– the Senator, rather than the candidate– represents the pro-business, more moderate wing of the party, at least for now. These guys will contend that 2008 was lost because a more fundamental problem with the way the GOP operated while in power.
p>Because of the potential scale of the loss that is coming, the crack up is likely to be far more intense than the Left winger vs. DLC battles the Democrats had after 2000.
… McCain supporters are at odds with themselves somewhat.