Truly amazing. Ken Duberstein, President Reagan’s former chief of staff, had this to say regarding John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin:
What most Americans I think realize is that you don’t offer a job, let alone the vice presidency, to a person after one job interview. Even at McDonald’s you’re interviewed three times before you’re given a job.
Oof. Duberstein proceeded to endorse Barack Obama for president, citing in particular Colin Powell’s endorsement.
And speaking of Sarah Palin, her latest is that she thinks press coverage of her threatens her First Amendment rights. No, I am not making this up.
“If [the media] convince enough voters that that is negative campaigning, for me to call Barack Obama out on his associations,” Palin told host Chris Plante, “then I don’t know what the future of our country would be in terms of First Amendment rights and our ability to ask questions without fear of attacks by the mainstream media.”
Hysterical, in a tragic sort of way.
And it goes to the Fairness Doctrine. Government control of speech as in the Fairness Doctrine is the beginning of the slippery slope to the eradication of First Amendment rights. The coming thugocracy, first they came for the talk radio people and I said nothing, then they came for the newspapermen and I said nothing, now they’ve come for me and there is nobody left to talk for me.
p>This is a real fear amongst many of the people on my side. You can pooh pooh it, but speech suppression already is happening in schools and on college campuses across this nation.
Aside from offering a remarkable non sequitor, are we really seeing a groundswell of support for a return to the Fairness Doctrine?
p>Anyway, you fired the first shot and already land on the bad side of Goodwin’s Law.
…accusing liberals of hating America, committing treason, and aiding terrorism? I guess your only hope is the chickens don’t come home to roost.
p>BTW, as David and CMD have already pointed out, the only folks I hear talking about reinstating the fairness doctrine, are, well, Republican shills like yourself.
If I’m not mistaken, Anne Coulter wants liberals to be physically intimidated. That’s actual thuggery and not the imagined kind.
p>I’ve heard of various threats of violence facing Obama canvassers. Has there been anything like that greating McCain campaign workers? If not, I wonder whether the word “thuggery” with its current racial overtones isn’t being carefully selected for its crypto-racist appeals.
p>Is Obama against “states rights” too?
…of left wing thuggery.
p>Perhaps it would behoove all sides to curb their mutts.
as in 2006? Self-refuting, no?
how so?
If there’s ample evidence as opposed to scarce evidence, you wouldn’t be posting a link about an event from 2006 regarding an event unrelated to Obama.
Soooo, I have to show evidence of left wing bullying within the last couple of weeks – or whatever arbitrary timeframe you have defined – or it doesn’t count.
p>OK, I get it.
not “occasional”, “annual”, “seldom”. It’s a ridiculous right-wing talking point offered without evidence that Obama’s election might usher in an era of authoritarianism.
p>Were that true, the evidence would be abundant, ample, and easy to come upon, and not rare and two years old.
So if I look up this event in the New York Times, I still notice that no Obamas are involved. From that report, it sounds more as if the crowd got out of hand:
The protesters intended it to be non-violent. People on both sides of the issue rushed the stage. Sort of a mess. Also Columbia disciplined those involved. That sounds right.
p>The U.S. does not have much of a Left, certainly very little to the left of liberalism. There are some tiny bands on the other side of the liberal demarcation that think certain kinds of thuggery are justified. I don’t see any evidence, though, of Obama or Democrats or even ardent Kossacks trying to appeal to those elements. There are very few of them.
p>The reason why we liberals find Palin so frightening is she does seem to be appealing to those on the right who do think that Obama is a traitor, a crypto-terrorist, a black supremacist, or a secret Marxist. There are militias on the right. Since the 1970s, the armed groups on the far left have happily vanished. Those militias could easily be tempted to “save” America from some Palin-induced nightmare.
The left has nothing like the Regenery Press nor does it have a Jerome Corsi.
p>A quick search of Amazon shows books with such delightful titles as:
p>- Why the Left Hates America
– Liberal Facism
– If Democrats Had Any Brains, They’d Be Republicans
– Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies
p>You get the idea. Clearly these books aren’t aimed at liberals or even moderates. They’re aimed at people looking to justify their prejudices. And the right seems to have an unlimited appetite for them. You hear these sentiments repeated by all levels of the GOP, up to and including the current administration (George Bush especially) and in the current campaign, Sarah Palin.
Anything Sarah Palin says that includes the phrase “I don’t know” is true.
p> – Dan