The documentary Saving Marriage opens this weekend at Kendall Cinema in Cambridge. This incredible film follows the struggle for same-sex marriage in Massachusetts.
The film does a great job at capturing the emotions that ran so high during the fight to keep same-sex marriage legal. The behind the scenes footage shows what was really going on inside the organizations that were working on both sides of the issue. There are interviews with leaders, activists, and lawmakers from both camps.
The movie does an amazing job documenting the 2004 campaign of Carl Sciortino. There are interviews with Carl from when he was just deciding to run for State Rep, to Primary Day, to the battle that took place on the day of the General Election due to Ciampa’s write-in campaign. The film makers seem to be everywhere at once. They are in the campaign office, door knocking with Carl, at the polling places, interviewing voters, catching Ciampa supporters spewing anti-gay slurs on tape, and even catching Ciampa himself looking pretty foolish. They captured this exciting race and present it in a way that keeps you on the edge of your seat. (I sure was, and I already know Carl wins!)
Saving Marriage beautifully documents an amazing piece of history. It will remind you that the marriage equality movement has its own place in the struggle for civil rights. You will ride the roller-coaster of emotions that we all felt during the heat of the marriage battle. Bring tissues. I hope you see this film.
chrissmason says
I wrote this post tonight because I just came from a special screening of the film. MassEquality invited their members, volunteers, activists, and many legislators to the special screening at Kendall Cinema. It was a lot of fun and motivated me to tell people about the movie. I, like many other activists in the movement, am in the film a couple times and am honored to be part of this great documentary.