Today, Thursday, October 9’th between 4 PM and 5 PM WTKK’s afternoon talkmeister, Jay Severin said and I quote, ” If Barack Obama wins the Presidency we have to do everything we can to destroy him.” This seems to go beyond the usual right wing rhetoric to a point where Jay Severin is calling for the personal harm of a President of The United States.
One would think that if a caller to Severin’s show had uttered that or as some of Sarah Palin’s supporters have shouted at her Bundt rallies to kill her opponent the Secret Service would have stepped in to investigate.
Now, seems to be the time that the United States Secret Service should step in to investigate the threatening remarks issued by Jay Severin today on his radio show on WTKK Radio 96.9 FM in Boston.
Tonight on AC360, David Gergen talked about his concerns that violence will break out from these incredibly angry McCain “supporters”. Threats of death and violence have been videotaped by bloggers from proud Republicans attending rallies in Strongsville, Ohio, today’s event in Wisconsin with Palin and McCain, and cries of “kill him!” this week at a Palin rally. The last couple of days have seen cries of “terrorist!” and “treason!” from loyal followers of McCain, people that he himself addressed as “fellow prisoners”.
p>I hope that McCain will show some shred of leadership and dignity by seeking to quell this extremism that is starting to infuse his campaign. And I hope the Secret Service will still be okay with Obama appearing in public given the current conditions.
If violence comes to the Democratic candidate there will be blood on the hands of Jay Severin, Sarah Palin and John McCain and they all should land in prison for the rest of their unnatural lives.
p>Severin is a psycopath !
Don’t give him any. He’s a fool, and, IMO, a fake. A performer.
Remember, this is the guy who said Gore should be executed for treason if the recount went his way.
p>One of my many reasons for disliking Mitt Romney is Mitt going on the show and chortling at Severin calling HRC a bitch…
It would be interesting to hear.
According to a Dan Kennedy piece written at the time, WTTK couldn’t provide a tape:
p>FWIW, I was also a regular Severin listener back then and heard what Dan heard. Either way, it’s heinous.
By FCC Regs. WTKK must keep a running tape of its programming usually on a 24 hour system now digital and earlier slow reel to reel.
WTKK would save those “Tapes” for its own protection. Don’t let them give you any Bull Crap that they don’ have it.
Perhaps, you should forward a complaint to the local Secret Service Office in the Federal Building.
Don’t let Severin get away with threatening the life of Barack Obama or anyone else.
does anyone have sound of Severin making these statements?
p>PS you can tell when Severin really doesnt believe what he is saying — he gets more aggressive and his voice gets higher
So I rarely listen to him. It’s simple, really.
p>You seem obsessed with him.
p>An objective read of the above quote would indicate that Severin wishes Obama, should he be elected, a failed, spoiled, ruinous administration. Nothing more.
p>Are you suggesting otherwise? Make your case.
First, I suggest you familiarize yourself with all the definitions of the word destroy.
p>At least twice, on this blog, someone has advocated for the assassination of our current Commander In Chief.
p>i didn’t see you criticizing that person either time.
Words have meaning. Suggest you might read Macbeth.
I heard Severin on the radio earlier this week saying “We must do everything possible to stop Obama,” which I found somewhat theatening at the time. Using the word “destroy” is completely irresponsible. There are a lot of wacky people out there who take their cues from this. WTKK has a responsibility to pull him off the air.
WTKK’s Egan and Braude had Jay Severin on at the end of their show today and it sounded as if they were ready to call McClain Hospital on Severin to have him involuntarily committed for a 30 day observation.
Severin was frothing at the mouth that he was going to do everything possible to destroy Barack Obama from this moment on.
Severin was nearly incoherent in his insanity.
p>Again, the Secret Service should be keeping an eye on this certifiable nut who wants to do harm to Barack Obama and is encouraging others to do likewise.
WTKK’s Egan and Braude had Jay Severin on at the end of their show today and it sounded as if they were ready to call McClain Hospital on Severin to have him involuntarily committed for a 30 day observation.
Severin was frothing at the mouth that he was going to do everything possible to destroy Barack Obama from this moment on.
Severin was nearly incoherent in his insanity.
p>Again, the Secret Service should be keeping an eye on this certifiable nut who wants to do harm to Barack Obama and is encouraging others to do likewise.