Brian Camenker (aka MassResistance) thumbed his nose at the milquetoast haters of Mass Family Institute, and tilted at the windmill of a referendum petition drive to repeal the repeal of “the 1913 laws” that previously prevented gay out-of-staters from marrying in MA. Did ya get all that? đŸ˜‰ Brian described the effort in these heroic terms.
This was a fight about principle – against overwhelming opposition and suppression from all sides.
He failed.
Brian’s Silver Lining, the play by play, the perennial fundraising plea and my self-indulgent commentary here. Bay Windows story here. My favorite Brain quote:
It seemed like we had a lot more signatures.
Please share widely!
This bit caught my eye:
p>I walked by some signature-collectors one Sunday morning a few weeks ago right in front of the Catholic Church that is just outside of Arlington Center, near the Regent Theatre. Anyone know anything about that — were the signature gatherers there against the church’s wishes? Or was that church defying the Archdiocese?
But since they were set up on the public sidewalk, the church couldn’t ask them to leave but did apparently run active interference. Here is Brian’s Oct 17th email about that.
I loved the list of excuses. He’s been blaming all his anti-GLBT chums for so long that it finally backfired on him. Now he’s surprised. Itty boo.
…but he’s a cadaverous-looking SOB, isn’t he?
p>Oh, well. It’s Halloween.
p>I love the air of petulant betrayal when Brian relates how bosom friend Larry “Thug Who Beats Up Women” Cirignano stiffed the group to work out-of-state. Seems even he knew a dead issue when he saw it.
p>Time to bake a big gay schadenfreude pie! With extra cinnamon! LOL
LarryC stiffed the group to work on Jeff Beatty’s campaign.
p>The ties between the anti-gay movement and the Mass. GOP run deep.
and including the distribution of MFI literature to voters by a state committeewoman on behalf of an ma-gop endorsed candidate.
and interesting details about the church hierarchy’s official stance; what to make of that?… btw I was married at the Jesuit Urban Center on Harrison Ave in Boston–a now-closed church located on the edge of the South End and Roxbury–that was a vibrant worshiping community comprised of many, many, openly gay Catholics (gays were the majority, in fact, and that was something that was very important to me to support). I’ve since become so alienated from the church, realizing that having the desire to be an insider “change-agent” on issues like marriage equality/relationship equality and women being respected as equals (e.g. women becoming priests, language used during the services) is not enough to keep me actively engaged.
to the passage of the anti-gay amendments in FL, CA and AZ. They have bigger fish to fry than the 1913 laws.