Oh wow. yeah, that’s the stuff. Everyone needs a little flavor of weapons-grade crazy now and then, to keep perspective in their lives, I say.
I confess. I’ve been reading them too much. Someone on this site sends me a clip almost once a month of the goings on over there, so I’m never away long.
p>The handles are much more imaginative than the ones here. I admire the choices made by “The Angelic One” and “Electric Strawberry”. I’m surprised by the prominence liberal posters are gaining over there by sheer persistence and growing numbers. There’s certainly a lot of goading going on, and I suppose one develops a thicker skin and some skill at debate when one wades in outnumbered.
p>The main reason I read RMG, though, is that it is small and conservative. I don’t have the time to take up NRO, Redstate, or the like. I find I’m particularly curious as to how Renee thinks because she thinks very differently from me, which I find interesting. I’m also curious about disagreements — to the extent they exist — between libertarian and social conservatives and between moderate and more extreme ones. Finally, I find it interesting to see the changes in style for those who post both here and there.
…but I have not yet received my password by email. I wanted to respond to one of their denizens who posted about Clinton’s record on terrorist attacks – he’s under the impression that nothing was done during the Clinton years. He said that the 1993 WTC bombing was never avenged – I guess he’s unaware of the folks spending life in prison on that one? He also mentions several others where there was “no retaliation” when clearly there was, it’s a matter of history. And he ended with the bombing of the Cole, which the Clinton admin left to the Bush admin to avenge since it only became clear that it was an Al Qaeda attack in December of 2000.
p>Oh well – I’ll post my answer if I ever get a password…
… that taught terrorists that their tactics could win useful concessions, it was Reagan.
I guess it knows better than I do what spam email looks like! I posted my reply – next up, I think I’ll restart my “Let’s talk about issues” series, posting both here and there…
p>I always thought Fishbone’s Change would be a great inauguration song for Obama. If only the rest of the group’s catalog wasn’t so radically charged, not really palatable for the masses.
p>We should have a thread on progressive music groups. I always loved Rage’s early work (comparing commercial TV to drive by shootings: “the in house drive by”). But their anger never seemed sustainable.
There is such low traffic on RMG, only a couple of recommendations are enough to push a post to the top of the list. The reds are most frustrated.
p>Imagine if a dozen or so progressives decided to take over the state GOP. Could be fun.
It could be fun, but, Pablo, we’re too good for that.
… but it’s probably the only way we are going to have a two party system in Massachusetts.
The discussion Pablo references has the single funniest John Howard/they excuse for injecting Same Sex Conception into a conversation, ever:
But I really kind of miss the same sex conception arguments we used to have here. They could be so much fun!
“they” started one over here. I lost my stomach for it, but feel free to jump in…
I missed that! Thanks for the link.
Oh wow. yeah, that’s the stuff. Everyone needs a little flavor of weapons-grade crazy now and then, to keep perspective in their lives, I say.
I confess. I’ve been reading them too much. Someone on this site sends me a clip almost once a month of the goings on over there, so I’m never away long.
p>The handles are much more imaginative than the ones here. I admire the choices made by “The Angelic One” and “Electric Strawberry”. I’m surprised by the prominence liberal posters are gaining over there by sheer persistence and growing numbers. There’s certainly a lot of goading going on, and I suppose one develops a thicker skin and some skill at debate when one wades in outnumbered.
p>The main reason I read RMG, though, is that it is small and conservative. I don’t have the time to take up NRO, Redstate, or the like. I find I’m particularly curious as to how Renee thinks because she thinks very differently from me, which I find interesting. I’m also curious about disagreements — to the extent they exist — between libertarian and social conservatives and between moderate and more extreme ones. Finally, I find it interesting to see the changes in style for those who post both here and there.
…but I have not yet received my password by email. I wanted to respond to one of their denizens who posted about Clinton’s record on terrorist attacks – he’s under the impression that nothing was done during the Clinton years. He said that the 1993 WTC bombing was never avenged – I guess he’s unaware of the folks spending life in prison on that one? He also mentions several others where there was “no retaliation” when clearly there was, it’s a matter of history. And he ended with the bombing of the Cole, which the Clinton admin left to the Bush admin to avenge since it only became clear that it was an Al Qaeda attack in December of 2000.
p>Oh well – I’ll post my answer if I ever get a password…
… that taught terrorists that their tactics could win useful concessions, it was Reagan.
I guess it knows better than I do what spam email looks like! I posted my reply – next up, I think I’ll restart my “Let’s talk about issues” series, posting both here and there…
played together. I need to find that album.
p>I always thought Fishbone’s Change would be a great inauguration song for Obama. If only the rest of the group’s catalog wasn’t so radically charged, not really palatable for the masses.
p>We should have a thread on progressive music groups. I always loved Rage’s early work (comparing commercial TV to drive by shootings: “the in house drive by”). But their anger never seemed sustainable.