I just saw a news item on Channel 5 about misprinted ballots in upstate NY. Apparently some absentee ballots already mailed listed the Democratic nominee as Barack Osama. The error has been caught and the unmailed ballots will be shreded. Voters will receive corrected ballots, but may send in either one and have it counted appropriately. Oy!
Please share widely!
after all, “s” and “b” are only 4 keys and one row apart. so it’s easy to hit one when when going for the other. ;P
I’d accept Onama, Ovama, Ofama, Ogama, Ohama, and Ojama. But seriously? You can’t make a freudian slip on a ballot.
I’ve heard other perfectly smart and well-meaning people make that slip-up too. But somehow getting it by three proofreaders … that’s a serious Jedi mind trick.
That was quick. You must have been online when I posted.
I understand they’re going to spell it O’Bama, pick up a few more votes….
I always knew nothing good came out of that town! đŸ˜‰
if somebody decided to be funny, then didn’t clean up after themselves and the joke got sent to the printer, a little bit like the nasty letter that was never supposed to be sent, but then does. The problem is that these are mature people who did this, not children, and intentional or not, it exposes a bad attitude.