Adam digs up a truly astonishing “exposé” of the left-wing moonbats over at the Herald.
Boston Herald’s Master Work of Subtle McCain Slams, Obama Praises
By Warner Todd Huston
October 27, 2008 – 06:11 ETIf you want to see an example of the media employing a subtle undercurrent of disdain for Republicans and praise for Democrats, you can’t get any better example than the masterful effort at left leaning propaganda that the Boston Herald unleashed on October 26. Even the headline is artful for the negative image in which it casts McCain’s actions while simultaneously presenting Obama as the innocent victim. The subtlety is amazing and really must be seen to be believed.
With the very headline we see that nasty McCain and the obviously innocent Obama as the Herald sternly informs us that, “John McCain keeps swinging socialist hammer at Barack Obama.” That mean, “hammering” McCain “swinging” that obviously absurd claim that the Marxist is a socialist! Imagine. The negative image of McCain being an aggressor is painfully obvious.
Confused yet? Me too. The link above should work — the one in the original post over at NewsBusters was broken, since it misspelled “politics” in the URL as “politiacs.” I’m not sure how you introduce a misspelling into a URL … perhaps Mr. Huston hasn’t heard of copying and pasting?
The whole thing is hilarious and well worth a read if you’re looking for a chuckle. Here’s the bottom line:
This piece is a wonder of subtle negativity heaped upon McCain and Palin as it gives support to The One and his campaign. This one is certainly a masterwork of propaganda.
High marks for the effort for underhanded agenda journalism should be the Boston Herald’s reward. But low marks for truth.
And perhaps the funniest part of all? The author of the offending Herald piece:
By McClatchy Newspapers
Apparently Mr. Huston is unfamiliar with the concept of a “wire service.”