Fox News is reporting that Samuel “Joe the Plumber” Wurzelbacher is touring Ohio, spouting words previously reserved for anonymous email. According to Fox, “Joe the Plumber said:
“I love America. I hope it remains a democracy, not a socialist society. … If you look at spreading the wealth, that’s honestly right out of Karl Marx’s mouth,” Wurzelbacher said.
“No one can debate that. That’s not my opinion. That’s fact.”
That’s not all. Here’s the latest McCain surrogate opining on Obama’s view of Israel.
At a stop in Columbus, he fielded the question on Israel from a self-identified Jewish senior citizen.
The questioner said he was “concerned” with Barack Obama’s associations and “It’s my belief that a vote for Obama is a vote for the death to Israel.”
Wurzelbacher responded: “I do know that.”
With so many reasonable Republicans abandoning the GOP campaign or endorsing Obama outright, it’s no surprise that McCain has scraped the bottom of the endorsement barrel.
You can read the rest of the article here.
Hopefully, Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher is being paid enough to catch up his back taxes for riding the circuit as a shill.
p>It should be clear to everyone that Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher the ersatz plumber is a 100% paid shill and loving every minute of the attention he is getting.
You’re talking about the next chair of the RNC right there.
Whether you’re Joe the plumber or a TV news reporter, think ten times before you open your mouth or your life will never be the same. How dare these people ask a question, how dare they.
p>What does the lawyer in AmberPaw say to people about “retribution” for having the “audacity” to ask a question? Do you think people should be able to ask a question without fear of retribution? What should they do to the person who breaks the law and looks up a taxpayers personal information for political reasons? Would you support the firing of people doing this?
p>Why should I be afraid to tell the truth as to what reporters and fact checkers found out about Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, the latest talk show sensation? He admitted early on that the McCain campaign ASKED him to go to the Obama event, and GAVE him the question to ask – and he posed as a naive, volunteer who showed up on his own. That, John, makes Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher a “shill” – see definition of “shill” – a “shill” is someone in an audience who pretends not to have a paid or prearranged role, but who, in fact, does have a paid or prearranged role and is NOT what they seem to be. This, in pretending to be an unenrolled voter with no connection to a campaign, Wurzelbacher was not what he seemed, and a shill. For more description as to what a “shill” is, go to:…
p>Most lobbyists also “shill”, that is provide only the positive information in order to influence; many political shills are planted in public events to plant negatives. Ergo, Mr. Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher’s initial public viewing of his oratorical and speaking skills.
p>Frankly, I hope Wurzelbacher gets his own talk show. First, he would catch up his back taxes; second, he could pay more child support and help the economy in Ohio, and third, he would be an improvement over Hannity and O’Reilly [and he is cuter, too].
But, answering as a lawyer I hope. What if he wasn’t a shill? What if he was just a person asking a question? Is this what should happen to anyone questioning Obama? You seem to be justifying what happened to Joe because h was a shill. Is that how the law works so people can do anything based on the premise that you “could be” something else? Can I break into your house on the premise you “could be” doing something illegal, and then be vindicated if in fact you were doing something illegal? I don’t want to live in that world!
p>Did you answer this?
… what happened to Joe…”
p>Before we go any further into what was ok and what was out of bounds, can we establish what exactly did happen to Joe?
p>2. Paid speaking tours.
p>3. Becoming so high visibility his endorsement is courted by a presidential campaign.
p>4. A chance a further employment in the entertaino-news media.
p>So, just what bad “happened” to Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher?
p>Who knows, maybe a syndicated talk show is in his future. He is fast enough on his feet, photogenic, and a darling of the media and the right! I would say he does much better during interviews and on the road then, say, Jay Severin.
p>So tell me, JohnD, what “happened” to Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher – is he complaining or campaigning and cleaning up?