We recognize that we all need to act responsibly in the face of the current fiscal crisis. But we also need to understand the fiscal impact and the process and standards the Governor and the Legislature are using to implement the 9C cuts. We are hopeful that we will have an oppportunity, in the long term to continue to work with Charlotte Golar Richie and other decision-makers in the Administration and the Legislature as they review the need for additional 9C cuts and build the FY 10 budget.
And yes, we know that we will likely find ourselves competing with each other as we advocate that our programs are the most “sympathetic and compelling,” but at least we are working together to build a foundation of good information and smart strategies.
Please join us at 4:30 sharp on the 9th floor conference room at 30 Winter St in downtown crossing on October 15th. At this Insider Budget Briefing you will hear from experienced advocates such as David Magnani from the Massachusetts Non Profit Network , a high level representative from the Administration, Assistant Secretary of Administration and Finance Ron Marlow, and finally one of the top fiscal experts in the state, Mike Widmer from the Mass Taxpayers Foundation.
The tuition for the session is $20 and includes a light supper and take-home materials. Please contact Carmen Arce-Bowen at (617) 275-2833 or carmen@realclout.org to RSVP for this event, or with any questions!
Some suggestions:
p>”9C cuts – what they are, how they work, and free materials for advocacy”
p>”How to understand what the Gov has to do, and what it means, i.e., “9C cuts”
p>You should also post the time for the October 15th seminar, a click link to find out more or register, and its location. Not everyone who reads BMG knows what these briefings do, or contain.
p>To those who read my comment: I attend these briefings whenever I can, and my understanding of the state budget and how it works, and critical connections resulted. Also, what Judy calls a “light dinner” is humus, tabouli, pita, grilled chicken, good mixed salad, falafel, and dessert [and sometimes more]. That is what it has been, anyway.
p>As to “Are you coming, Deb” – I am in court that day on one, and maybe two cases, so it just depends how tired I am and when I am done.
Please try to come! You are one of the Insider Budget Briefing’s most distinguished alumna.
p>For our part, we’re very happy that Ron Marlow from Administration and Finance will be there, coming straight from the press conference announcing the 9C cuts. And if you can be there come right on time because Mike Widmer will be leaving at 5:20 for another event — with his own distinguished business constituency I assume. Although he may be going home for long promised dinner with his family.
p>So far, our little IBB Campaign-Without-A-Name has been very appreciative of the Administration’s decision to reach out to us and every other constituency in town to listen to direct care givers,line municipal officials and hundreds of others. Since some of us have been through this before we have been able to share some ideas about how to to minimize the human impact of the inevitable 9C cuts in ways that lay the ground work for recovery.
p>It ain’t easy for the Governor, the Lt Gov and the Cabinet members to sit in a room with folk who are going to have to cut off programs for the poor the elderly and disabled, never mind fire state employees who deliver many of those services or repair our roads, teach our children, keep our water clean, pick up our garbage, clean up toxic waste, keep our parks open and accessible etc etc etc. Yuk.
p>Someday I’m going to get a real job.
Those of us labeled independent contractors classify ANY job with W2 income, health insurance, paid sick days, paid vacation, and with holding as “real jobs” or “straight jobs”.
p>Maybe some day I will get one of those real jobs…LOL.