Kudos to Laurel for finding this useful information.
This November 4th, Californians will be voting on a ballot question known as Proposition 8 which would eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry by amending their constitution.
Defeating Prop. 8 in California is so important that it has been dubbed the ‘Gettysburg‘ of the gay civil rights movement.
Nan Hunter, a Georgetown University law professor and nationally recognized gay rights attorney had this say:
Culturally and politically, the impact is enormous, California has a tradition of being the trend setter in the United States. Of any single development on this issue, legalizing it in California is the biggest single development short of a federal ruling that would render [same-sex marriage] legal nationwide.
However, a new poll has shown 47% to 42% in favor of Prop. 8. That is a notable difference from a Sept. 25 poll which found 44% to 49% against Prop. 8.
The change in polls has to do with proponents filling their ads with lies and scare tactics stating that churches would lose their tax exempt status and insinuating children would be indoctrinated into being gay.
So NOW is the critical time to get involved to help save marriage equality! It will make a difference.
All you need to do is:
Send an email with the subject line “Phone From Home” to Doug Jennings at doug@noonprop8.com and include the following information:
Phone Number
Once signed up, the system will call voters and sends those calls directly to your phone.
Thanks so much for any time you can give.
Thanks for writing this up. Nothing can be easier than spending an hour here and there at home making calls. Remember also that CA is 3 hours behind MA, so that you can make calls late in the evening, after you’ve finished your day.
p>I hope that our storied process liberals will feel especially compelled to step up and participate. CA is facing the ultimate challenge allowed by the process: a ballot measure. Now is the time to step up and make sure the voters live up to the assumption of fundamental goodness – something voters in 26 of 27 states have unfortunately failed to do. We really, really, REALLY need your help.
p>I freely admit that phone banking is not my favorite sport. But it’s necessary and so I do it. To psyche myself up, I’ve been watching this fun video. Enjoy, and thank you! đŸ˜€
I just finished my first evening of phone banking. Conveniently, SJ’s Vote No On Prop 8 office is but blocks from the airport, so I could hop off the plane this evening and directly into a headset.
p>This No on 8 operation shares space with the Dems and the Obama campaign, so the place was really hopping. If you;re up for making a donation or some calls, please join me! Ways to volunteer are given at noonprop8.org.
p>Ok, off to bed – my volunteer day begins at 10 am tomorrow.