In the piece at the top of NewsLadder today, from Salon, people are already being forced to wait up to eight hours to early vote, how on earth are we going to be able to count the votes on the 4th when early voting is already so screwed up?
Sure, Ted Ravelo likes Barack Obama. But two hours is a long time to stand in line to vote, especially considering that it’s still October. “This has to be remedied,” Ravelo, 72, said Wednesday morning, shaking his head, as he gave up on voting early — at least that day — at the North Miami Public Library, where a couple of dozen voting machines and their operators were struggling in vain to keep pace with a flood of citizens. “Something has to be done.”
Please take a moment and click here for the rest of the story. And be prepared for a long night on November 4th.
But something did dawn on me while reading this article.
p>If people wait 2 hours to vote in India or South Africa, it’s inspiring.
If people wait 2 hours to vote in Florida, it’s a crisis.
… might be difficult in some places and perseverance in such places is impressive.
p>We expect that voting in this country should be easy and the adversity we’ve seen, combined with the games that various SoS are playing is seen as anything from a disappointment to a travesty depending on specifics.