Michael Graham: Obama hates the Constitution.
Mark Levin: Conservatives who disagree with me suck almost as much as Obama does.
Kathryn Jean Lopez: Some dude you’ve never heard of is in the news.
John Hood: We’ll probably get our asses kicked on Nov. 4, but the pendulum will swing back someday.
Jay Nordlinger: Iraq is going well.
Jim Manzi: Let me explain the financial crisis by using an analogy that makes things even more confusing than they were before.
Byron York: The latest crazy report on Michelle Obama turns out to be false.
Ali Alfoneh and Michael Rubin: A bunch of links to news from Iran.
John J. Pitney, Jr.: McCain should channel his inner frat-boy at the debate, since nothing else has worked.
Maggie Gallagher: Obama likes to kill babies.
Jay Nordlinger: Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin really do love each other.
Moving down the list, here are a few other choice entries (now I’m only including the best ones):
Jonah Goldberg: It’s actually the Obama campaign that has played the race card — the McCain/Palin campaign has been totally honorable.
Mark Steyn: I never liked McCain anyway. And by the way, Chris Buckley sucks.
Andy McCarthy: Radicals have taken over higher education. Oh — Bill Ayers!
Mona Charen: Obama hates Israel.
Mona Charen: Did we mention that Obama likes killing babies?
Andy McCarthy: Obama’s a radical who likes (I am not making this up) “black power anti-white racists, Jew-haters, revolutionary Marxists, unrepentant former terrorists and Chicago mobsters.”
Those are all just from today, and there’s a lot more that I didn’t summarize. What a sweet gig that must be. I wish someone would pay me to bloviate that way!
when are you going to understand that sen. obama is a socialist, jew-hating radical who has masterminded a terroristic network of black preachers and islamic environmentalists to destroy the american way of life and the fairness doctrine in order to take away our firearms and the liberty that our brave soldiers have fought and died to protect, so that homosexual drug addicts can use them and our tax dollars to indoctrinate our unborn christian children into hating america and everything we stand for ?!?!?
The only difference is that you spelled everything correctly and used big words.
You’re just saying what The One told you to say, you moonbat assclown. That’s why this is such an echo-chamber, nothing but psycho-babble and liberal hatred. I’m sure you kiddies are all going to be happy when the ways of the People’s Republik are exported to the United States. We all have to shut up and do what The Chosen One tells us to do. You demonazis will miss freedom then.
p>Don’t come crying to me you then, kiddies. I’ll just be laughing my ass off at you.
HT to Mr. Lynne for alerting me to this fantastic conversation between Matt Taibbi and National Review guy Byron York. York is painfully revealed as hopelessly ignorant about what is really going on with the financial crisis. Give it a read.
p>Really spectacular.
Heard that folks are getting nervous—-the numbers are too good!
What is clear is the Republican party has been taken over by paranoid, rage-driven, xenophobic nuts. McCain’s big mistake last night was preaching to folks like you…
My prediction is that we will see virtually no Bradley Effect. Here’s why:
p>The Bradley Effect is about people lying to pollers and telling them “socially acceptable” answers rather than the truth. The most common form is, of course, racism. The Bradley Effect says that there is a significant number of people out there – 3 to 8% depending on whom you ask – who will lie to pollers and tell them that they’re voting for Obama when they aren’t.
p>The rationale is that the pollers will ask why, and it’s not socially acceptable to say “because he’s black”. So instead, they say they’re voting for him and don’t have to go through any contortions.
p>But there are a couple of issues. One is that in the early ’80s, when the eponymous Bradley lost the governorship of California, racism was more prevalent today. Pew Research has an interesting chart up. They’ve apparently been asking people since the late 50’s “If your party put up a black candidate, would you vote for him?”
p>According to that chart, in 1960, only 50% said yes. In 1982, it was up to 75%. Today it’s up at 92%. In other words the number of people racist to the point of not voting for Obama when they would have otherwise is about one third the number it was when the Bradley Effect was first spotted. If it’s still around, you can expect it to be much smaller.
p>Secondly, Obama is a unique candidate in that there are a whole bunch of reasons to say you’re not gonna vote for, besides the race issue. You can tell the poller that he’s too inexperienced, or that he’s a communist, or that you have access to secret intelligence briefings that tell you he’s a bad, bad man. This provides the necessary cover for the remaining racists in our society, and deprives them of the motivation to lie.
p>These two factors combined will reduce the Bradley Effect to background noise, far smaller than the margin of error. In short, you won’t see it.