In a few minutes at 2:30, you can livestream us three Left Ahead! podcasters as we take on the Yes-on-Question-One advocate Carla Howell, co-founder of the Committee for Small Government. We extended the opportunity for the yessers to come on because last week we talked to Michael Widmer of the Mass Taxpayers Foundation, an opponent of Q1 (which all three of us hosts are, coincidentally) and they agreed to come on.
I expect we’ll be really tough, but we’ll let her try to explain why effectively cutting 70% of the state’s revenues is a good idea. I can say there’s not going to be a free pass. Should be a great show! Listen live, or catch it in archives.
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I think that Carla’s ideas are show an awesome naivete, but good for her for 1) taking on tough questions from unfriendly quarters, and 2) being up-front about her agenda.
p>If only every conservative followed her approach.